Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
UVAC Retki beloglavi supovi slobodno krstare nad meandrima i litica- ma reke Uvac. Prelepi pogled na ovu neobičnu reku smešte- nu u jednom od najlepših kraje- va Srbije učinio je da ovo mesto postane jedna od najpopular- nnijih destinacija u zemlji. Najčuveniji stanovnik Uvca, po- menuti retki beloglavi sup, naša je najveća ptica sa rasponom krila od 2,8 metara. Uloženo je mnogo truda da se ova intere- santna vrsta sačuva od izumi- ranja, pa posetioci danas u re- zervatu mogu posmatrati ove gigantske ptice kako krsta- re nebom i hrane svoje mlade. Beloglavi sup nije jedina živo- tinja kojoj je pogodovala neta- knuta dolina reke Uvac. Centralnu morfološku celinu rezervata Uvac predstavlja ka- njon istoimene reke sa dolina- ma njenih pritoka. Vode Uvca okružene su kanjonima sa viso- kim, strmim krečnjačkim litica- ma, a posebnu vrednost čine specifični meandri, koji su po- stali zaštitni znak Uvca i Srbi- je. Predeo prirodnog rezervata nadaleko je čuven po bogatoj fauni, a naročito po ogromnom staništu ptica. Do sada je na toj teritoriji zabeleženo 130 vrsta ptica i mnoge zaštićene vrste ribe, insekata i sisara. Izuzev or- lova, ovde možete sresti vuko- ve, medvede, lisice, jazavce… Neverovatna priroda, pogledi bez kraja i tišina puna tajni na- teraće vas da se zaljubite u ovaj raj na Zemlji. UVAC Rare griffon vultures cruise un- restrained above the meander- ing course and sheer cliffs of the river Uvac. The beautiful view of this unusual river, located in one of Serbia’s most beautiful are- as, has led to this place becom- ing one of the country’s most popular destinations. The Uvac area’s most famous inhabitant,
During times when nature and its riches are slowly disappearing, nature reserves have become priceless treasures. Most of them represent the country’s last remain- ing habitats of endangered species, and apart from their importance to preserving the envi- ronment, they also provide visitors with the op- portunity to better acquaint themselves with Serbia’s beautiful nature. Our country is home to many such spots of incredible natural beauty, and here we present just a few of them to you… resources that are reflected in indescribably inspiring beauty, while they’re also the best reason to visit Serbia this spring Nature reserves of Serbia Pristine realm of flora and fauna They have emerged in fascinating areas and boast protected natural
the aforementioned rare griffon vulture, is Serbia’s largest bird, with a wingspan of 2.8 metres. Great efforts have been exert- ed to preserve this interesting species and prevent its extinc- tion, and today visitors to this reserve can observe these gi- ant birds as they cruise the sky and feed their young. The grif- fon vulture isn’t the only spe- cies to have found shelter in the pristine Uvac valley. The central morphological sec- tion of the Uvac reserve is the canyon valley of the epony- mous river, together with the valleys of its tributaries. The canyon valley walls, topped by high, sheer limestone cliffs, sur- round the waters of the Uvac, forming the unique meanders that are of special value and have become a trademark of both Uvac and Serbia. The ter- ritory of the nature reserve is known far and wide for its rich fauna, particularly its huge bird population. On the territo- ry of this area to date, a total of 130 species of birds have been spotted, as well as many pro- tected fish, insects and mam- mals. Apart from majestic birds of prey, here you can encoun- ter wolves, bears, foxes, badg- ers etc. Unbelievable nature, boundless views and silence filled with secrets will compel you to fall in love with this Earth- ly paradise.
Retki beloglavi sup naša je najveća ptica sa rasponom krila od 2,8 metara The rare griffon vulture, Serbia’s largest bird, has a wingspan of 2.8 metres 2,8 m
Rezervat se prostire oko 230 kilometara od Beograda This reserve is located approximately 230 km from Belgrade
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