Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

District Provisions 2.1 Official Zoning Map


2. District Provisions

2.1. Official Zoning Map

2.1.1. Zoning Map A.

Zoning Districts The boundaries of each zoning district are shown on a map entitled "Town of Wake Forest Official Zoning Map" which is hereby made a portion of this ordinance. The Official Zoning Map shall bear the adoption date of this ordinance and the signatures of the Mayor and Town Clerk. Overlay Districts Certain overlay districts such as the Special Highway Overlay District, the Watershed Protection Districts, etc., are hereby established and incorporated by reference. The spatial data for such overlay(s) shall be presented with the Official Zoning Map as appropriate. Administration and Maintenance of Zoning Map The Official Zoning Map shall be maintained in the Wake Forest Planning Department and a copy shall be kept on file with the Town Clerk. The Administrator shall separately maintain the digital files that comprise the map and record all map amendments in a separate metadata file.



2.1.2. Interpretation of Boundaries When uncertainty exists with respect to the boundaries or districts as shown on the Official Zoning Map, the following rules shall apply: A. District boundary lines are generally intended to be along or parallel to property lines, lot lines, the center line of street, alleys, railroads, easements, other rights-of-way, and creeks, streams, or other water channels. B. In the absence of specified distances on the map, dimensions or distances shall be determined by the scale of the Official Zoning Map. C. Where the Zoning Map shows a district boundary dividing a lot, each part of the lot shall conform to the standards established by this ordinance for the land development or overlay district in which that part is located. D. When the street or property layout existing on the ground is at variance with that shown on the Official Zoning Map, the Planning Board shall interpret the district boundaries of this ordinance in accordance with Section 14.4

2.2. District Provisions

2.2.1. Urban (Form-Based) Districts General Overview A number of the key districts for the Town of Wake Forest are ordered and classified according to the Rural-Urban Transect. The Transect is a method of classifying the natural and built environments as a continuum of six conditions, ranging from rural to urban. The value of the Transect is that it classifies development form with the appropriate land use and development context. For example, a rural street typically has no curbs or sidewalks, and its buildings are often irregularly spaced. An urban street, depending on the intensity of urbanism, may have curbs and gutters, regularly placed street trees, sidewalks, and building forms that are more regular in form and spacing. Each urban zoning category has detailed provisions for the mix of uses, building type,

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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