Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Recreation Facility Fees, Parks & Open Space Land 7.5 Neighborhood Park Design Standards


B. Green: An open space available for unstructured recreation. A Green may be spatially defined by landscaping rather than building frontages. Its landscape shall consist of lawn and trees, naturalistically disposed. For the purposes of this section, standalone dog parks shall be considered a variation of the Green park type. The minimum size shall be 1/2 acre. C. Square: An open space available for unstructured recreation and civic purposes. A Square is spatially defined by building frontages. Its landscape shall consist of paths, lawns, and trees, formally disposed. Squares shall be located at intersections. The minimum size shall be 1/4 acre and the maximum shall be 2 acres. D. Playground: An open space designed and equipped for the recreation of children. A playground may include an open shelter. Playgrounds shall be interspersed within Residential areas and may be placed within a block. Playgrounds may be included within parks and greens. There shall be no minimum or maximum size. E. Community Garden: A grouping of garden plots available for small-scale cultivation, generally to residents of apartments and other dwelling types without private gardens. Community gardens should accommodate individual storage sheds.

7.5.2. Location A.

Land for neighborhood park spaces shall be centrally and internally located so as to serve the needs of the residents of the neighborhood. B. Required neighborhood parks shall provide focal points for developments. C. Areas described in the Wake Forest Community Plan, Open Space & Greenway Plan or any other adopted plan as park, recreation, and open space land or greenways shall be preserved and dedicated where practical and feasible. All such dedication and improvement shall also be in conformance with all applicable federal and state rules and/or interlocal agreements. For developments that abut or include areas designated as future greenways on an adopted plan, the Administrator shall require a dedicated 20-foot minimum width public pedestrian and non-motorized vehicle easement be dedicated along all such areas.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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