Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Parking & Driveways 9.4 Parking Requirements


E. The applicant wishing to utilize the provisions of this section must present satisfactory written evidence that the applicant has the legal right to use the satellite parking spaces, and that such right is exclusive during the operation hours of the use in question. The applicant must also sign an acknowledgement that the continuing validity of the applicant’s permit depends upon the continuing abi lity to provide exclusive use during operation hours of the requisite number of parking spaces. If the parking spaces are required for residential uses, “operating hours” shall be considered 24 hours a day for the purposes of this section. F. The applicant using satellite parking to comply with the requirements of this section must sign an acknowledgement that the continuing validity of the applicant’s permit depends on the continuing ability to provide the requisite number of parking spaces. If the applicant or property owner fails to comply with the requirement so this section, the parking requirements reverts to those requirements in this Chapter and the property owner and applicant must demonstrate compliance with said requirements or the development permit may be revoked. G. Should there be a change in owner, change in use, expansion or reduction in building or parking area, the applicant will have to demonstrate continued compliance through the satellite parking and/or provide additional parking as required by this Ordinance or the permit shall be revoked. Off-Street Loading Schedule: Off-street loading spaces shall be required for industrial, major institutional, and business uses that can be expected to regularly receive or deliver goods, pursuant to the following Off-Street Loading Schedule (RA-HC is exempt from this requirement) Gross Floor Area (Square Feet) Required Number of Spaces 0-20,000 0 20,001 - 40,000 1 40,001 - 100,000 2 100.001 - 160,000 3 160,001 - 240,000 4 240,001 - 320,000 5 320,001 – 400,000 6 Each 90,000 over 400,000 1 B. Dimensions: Required loading spaces shall have the following minimum dimensions: 12-foot minimum width, 25-foot minimum length, and 14-foot minimum vertical clearance. C. Locations: 1. Required off-street loading spaces shall not be located within a building but shall be on the site of the use served or on an adjoining site. 2. Required off-street loading spaces shall be located to the sides and/or rear of the lot to maximize the street exposure of the primary structure. 3. A loading area shall not be located in a required setback. In addition, street-side loading docks shall be set back at least 70 feet from the street property line or 110 feet from the street center line, whichever is greater. 4. No loading bay may intrude into any portion of a required parking aisle or access dimension. 5. Loading areas visible from a street shall be screened on three sides by a solid, decorative fence, wall, or hedge at least six feet in height.

9.4.5. Off-Street Loading Requirements A.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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