Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Signs 11.10 Permanent Signage Additional Standards


Permitted Location

Max. Area

Maximum Height

Permit Required

Max. Number

Sign Type



Residential Temporary Signage








New Subdivisions, TNDs, or multi- family developments New Subdivisions, TNDs, or multi- family developments

4 per developme nt

External Only



12 sq ft

6 ft


4 per developme nt

External Only



4 sq ft

4 ft


1 per street frontage

Yard Sale Signs


All districts

4 sq ft

4 ft


Not allowed

11.10. Permanent Signage Additional Standards

11.10.1. Address/Tenant Identification Signs

Incidental signs that list tenants, unit numbers, address, contact information, hours of operation, and similar non-commercial characteristics, in a multi-tenant building with common entry.

11.10.2. Awning/Canopy Signs

Signs integrated into traditional storefront awnings that project over a sidewalk from the building façade.

11.10.3. Directional Signs On Private Property A. All such signs shall be permitted on non-residential property only. B. Directional signs must be located on the premises to which directions are indicated. C. Such signs may contain no copy (i.e., company name or logo) other than directional information. D. Shall be a minimum of five (5) feet from right-of-way. 11.10.4. Drive-Thru Menu Boards A. Location/Placement: Menu boards shall be allowed only as an accessory use to a restaurant having a drive-through window. 11.10.5. Electronic Message Boards A. Message Variation: The electronic message shall not change in increments of less than 2 minutes and shall not scroll. New messages shall be timed to fade in and out slowly. B. Message and Background Color: The background color shall be black with no illumination; text and graphics shall be of red or amber color only. Only one color may be displayed. 11.10.6. Gas Station Pricing A. Canopy Signs 1. Canopy signs shall not extend beyond the ends or extremities of the canopy to which they are attached.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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