Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance - July 2022

Administrative Agencies 14.6 Historic Preservation Commission


O. Negotiate at any time with the owner of a building, structure, site, area or object for its acquisition or its preservation when such action is reasonably necessary and appropriate. P. Take steps during the period of postponement of demolition or alteration of any historic landmark or property to ascertain what the local governing body can or may do to preserve such property including consultation with private civic groups, interested private citizens, and other public boards or agencies, and including investigation of potential acquisition by the Board of Commissioners when the preservation of a given historic property is clearly in the interest of the general welfare of the community and such property is of certain historic and architectural significance. Q. Propose to the Board of Commissioners changes to this or any other ordinance and propose new ordinances or laws relating to historic landmarks and districts or relating to a total program for the protection and/or development of the historic resources of the Town of Wake Forest and its environs. R. UDO Review: The Historic Preservation Commission shall review and make recommendations regarding the following application types (see also Chapter 15): 1. Designation of Historic Landmarks/Districts (15.11.1) S. UDO Decisions: The Historic Preservation Commission shall render final decisions regarding the following application types (see also Chapter 15): 1. Certificates of Appropriateness Major Works (15.11.3) 2. Certificates of Appropriateness Demolition of Historic Structures (15.11.4) T. The Historic Preservation Commission shall also have any additional powers and duties as may be set forth for in other laws and regulations or at the direction of the Board of Commissioners. The Wake Forest Historic Preservation Commission shall consist of 9 members. A quorum of five (5) members shall be necessary to transact business. B. The Wake Forest Board of Commissioners shall appoint all members. A majority of the members of the Commission shall have a demonstrated special interest, experience, or education in history, architecture, archaeology or related fields. C. All members shall reside within the jurisdiction of the Town of Wake Forest, except as allowed by NCGS. At least one (1) member shall reside in a Locally Designated Historic Landmark or Local Historic District. At least one (1) member shall reside in the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction (ETJ) of the Town of Wake Forest. Vacancies shall be filled as they occur. The town resident members shall be appointed by the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners. The required ETJ resident member shall be appointed by the Wake County Board of Commissioners after a recommendation by the Wake Forest Board of Commissioners. If despite good faith efforts, a resident of the ETJ cannot be found to fill the seat reserved for the ETJ member, then the Wake County Board of Commissioners may appoint another resident of the county (including a resident of the Town) to fill the ETJ seat. If the Wake County Board of Commissioners fails to make the appointment within 90 days after receiving a resolution from the Town of Wake Forest Board of Commissioners requesting that the appointment be made, the Town of Wake Forest Board of Commissioners may make the appointment. Representatives of the extraterritorial area shall have equal rights, privileges, and duties with the other members of the Historic Preservation Commission. D. The Commission may appoint one (1), but no more than two (2) additional ex officio (non-voting) members to provide special expertise as they deem appropriate. Such

14.6.2. Membership and Quorum A.

Town of Wake Forest Unified Development Ordinance – July 19, 2022


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