Muzeji u Beogradu čuvaju kulturno i naučno blago koje predstavlja svedočanstvo o tome kako je grad nastajao i u kojem vremenu i kakvim prilikama se razvijao
The museums of Belgrade preserve treasures of culture and science that represent witnesses to how the city emerged, as well as the times and circumstances under which it developed
Belgrade, with its 39 mu- seums, represents a genuine treas- ury of diverse intellectual treasures. It is difficult to event count the capi- tal’s museums, let alone visit them all in one go, so here we offer you a se- lection of the most interesting, and you can familiarise yourselves with the others when you return to Bel- grade. Without getting into areas of personal taste and preferences, this is the route that you will take on your walk through Serbian culture and art. Its beginning is in the very centre, while the end of the route depends on your enthusiasm. National Museum At the very heart of the city, at 1a Republic Square, stands the Na- tional Museum of Serbia, the “moth- er” of every other museum institu- tion in the country. It was founded as far back as 1844, under a decree of then Education Minister Jovan Steri- ja Popović, whose intention was for antiques to be collected in one place and thus preserved for future gener- ations. The building itself, a monu- mental public palace, was construct- ed in 1903, but the museum only moved there in the 1950s. Under the scope of the permanent exhibi- tion, visitors will encounter creations by some of the most prominent na- tional and international artists: Pa- ja Jovanović, Uroš Predić, Nadežda Petrović, Claude Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso, Mondrian and many others. One of the most interesting exhib- its is Miroslav’s Gospel, the oldest preserved illustrated manuscript in Serbian Cyrillic. Visitors only have an opportunity to see this work, which dates back to the late 12 th century, during cold December days, when both body and soul seek something that warms them The best way to get acquainted with a city is to wander through its museums, and this applies in particular
Beograd sa svojih 39 muzeja predstavlja pravu ri- znicu raznovrsnog intelektualnog blaga. Prestoničke muzeje teško je i pobrojati, a kamoli sve odjed- nom posetiti, pa vam nudimo iz- bor najzanimljivijih, dok ostale možete upoznati kada se vratite Beogradu. Ne zadirući u lični ukus i preferencije, ovo je trasa kojom ćete hoditi kroz srpsku kulturu i umetnost. Njen početak je stro- gi centar, raskrsnica svih puteva, dok završetak zavisi od vašeg en- tuzijazma. Narodni muzej U samom srcu grada, na Trgu republike 1a, smešten je Narodni muzej Srbije, „majka“ svih osta- lih muzejskih ustanova u državi. Osnovan je davne 1844, i to uka- zom tadašnjeg ministra prosvete Jovana Sterije Popovića, čija je na- mera bila da na jednom mestu sa- bere starine i na taj način ih sačuva za buduće generacije. Sama zgra- da, monumentalna javna palata, podignuta je 1903, dok se muzej u nju uselio tek pedesetih godina 20. veka. U okviru stalne postav- ke posetioci će se sresti sa dosti- gnućima najistaknutijih domaćih i svetskih umetnika – Paje Jova- novića, Uroša Predića, Nadežde Petrović, Kloda Monea, Van Go- ga, Pikasa, Mondrijana i mnogih drugih. Jedan od najinteresantni- jih eksponata je Miroslavljevo je- vanđelje, najstariji sačuvani srp- ski ilustrovani ćirilični rukopis. To delo s kraja 12. veka posetio- ci imaju priliku da vide svega ne- koliko puta godišnje. – Miroslavljevo jevanđelje je 2005. godine upisano i na Une- skovu listu „Pamćenje sveta“, što Jedan grad je najbolje upoznati šetaju i kroz njegove muzeje, a to naročito važi za hladne decembarske dane, kada i telo i duša traže nešto da ih zagreje
Tekst/Words: Dragana Nikoletić Fotografije/Photography: Arhiva/Archive
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