Elevate August 2022 | Air Serbia


NIŠVIL (5–14. avgust, Srbija) Osim Egzita, Srbija ima još jedan fe- stival u tvrđavi – Nišvil džez! Niška tvr- đava datira iz 1723. godine, razdoblja kada su Turci vladali gradom i tim po- dručjem. Mesto održavanja ovog ču- venog džez festivala nalazi se u sa- mom centru grada i svake godine privuče 100.000 posetilaca i legen- darne goste kao što su Grejs Keli ili Solomon Berk. Džez muzika i ove go- dine prevazilazi granice i od 5. do 14.

svom prikazu festivala ocenio Nišvil kao festival koji na najbolji mogući na- čin istovremeno promoviše džez kao pravac nastao na američkom konti- nentu i muzičku tradiciju Balkana, ali posebno spoj ta dva stila. NIŠVILLE (5 TH -14 TH AUGUST, SERBIA) Apart from Exit, Serbia also has an- other festival that’s held in a fortress: Nišville! Niš Fortress dates back to 1723, marking a period when the city and surrounding area were ruled by the Ottoman Turks. The site of this re- nowned jazz festival is located at the

very centre of the city and an- nually attracts 100,000 visitors, which have even included leg- endary guests like Grace Kelly or Solomon Burke. Jazz again extends beyond its borders this year, bringing to- gether all lovers of the genre at Nišville from 5 th to 14 th August. As one of the most popular jazz festivals in the region of South- east Europe, it fuses Balkan and American jazz music to cre- ate something that’s brand new and always fresh. Internation- ally, Nišville nurtures a refined taste in music and has consist- ently defended European val- ues of multiculturalism since its 1995 founding. It has been

avgusta okuplja sve ljubitelje žanra na Nišvilu. Kao jedan od najpopularni- jih džez festivala u jugoistočnoj Evro- pi, spaja balkansku i američku džez muziku stvarajući nešto potpuno no- vo i uvek sveže. Internacionalni Nišvil od samog osnivanja 1995. godine do- sledno brani evropske vrednosti mul- tikulturalnosti i neguje prefinjen mu- zički ukus. Od 2010. godine odlukom Ministarstva kulture je i manifesta- cija od nacionalnog značaja, a mno- ge domaće i strane turističke organi- zacije pozivaju zaljubljenike u džez da u avgustu posete Srbiju i mitski grad Niš, upravo zbog ovog jedinstvenog festivala. Koncept festivala je od po- četka, osim na „tradicionalnijim“ for- mama džeza, zasnovan pre svega na fuziji ovog pravca sa etno-tradicijama različitih delova sveta, naročito Balka- na. Najpoznatiji džez magazin na sve- tu, američki Downbeat , jednom je u

categorised as an event of nation- al importance since 2010, accord- ing to a decision of the Ministry of Cul- ture, and it is precisely because of this unique festival that many local and for- eign tourist organisations today rec- ommend that lovers of jazz visit Serbia and the mythical city of Niš in August. Apart from more “traditional” forms of jazz, this festival’s concept has since its very inception been based pri- marily on fusing the genre with eth- no directions from various parts of the world, the Balkans in particular. In one of its reviews of this festival, America’s Downbeat - the world’s most famous jazz magazine - rated Nišville as a fes- tival that simultaneously promotes jazz, as a genre that originated on the American continent, and the musical tradition of the Balkans, but especially the combination of those two styles, in the best possible way.

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