Delijska česma Naziv Delijska dolazi iz turske reči za laku konjicu, za čije konje je česma i služila, a treća česma sa ovim ime- nom i dalje stoji u Knez Mihailovoj uli- ci i daje šetačima priliku za predah i osveženje. Podignuta je prilikom re- konstrukcije 1987. godine po nacr- tima arhitekte Aleksandra Deroka i replika je stare Delijske česme. Pr- va Delijska česma nalazila se ispred Delijskog konaka, u kojem su odse- dali turski vojnici, a koji se nalazio na uglu ulica Knez Mihailove i Vuka Ka- radžića. Česma je porušena 1889. godine, ali je ubrzo izgrađena no- va na mestu današnje zgrade Srp- ske akademije nauka. Kada je za- početo kopanje temelja za zgradu SANU, 1913. je porušena i ta Delij- ska česma. DELIJSKA FOUNTAIN The term “delijska” is derived from
the Turkish word meaning light caval- ry, whose horses were served by this fountain, and the third fountain to bear this name still stands in Knez Mihailo- va Street, providing passing pedestri- ans with an opportunity for respite and refreshment. Built during the street’s 1987 reconstruction, according to the designs of architect Aleksandar Der- oko, it is a replica of old Delijska foun- tains. The first such fountain was lo- cated in front of the Light Cavalry Residence, which housed Turkish sol- diers and was located at the junction of Knez Mihailova and Vuka Karadžića streets. That fountain was demol- ished in 1889, but a new one was soon erected on the site of today’s building of the Serbian Academy of Sciences & Arts. This second Delijska Fountain was demolished in 1913, when excavation works began on the foundations for the future SANA building.
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