HRIDSKO JEZERO Na gotovo 2.000 metara nad- morske visine, u samom srcu divljine i okruženo četinarskom šumom ko- ja se ogleda u kristalno bistroj vodi, nalazi se Hridsko jezero, koje pred- stavlja pravi skriveni dragulj Pro- kletija. Poznato je i kao „planinsko oko“, jer se u njemu oslikava plani- na. I dan-danas ovom regijom kru- že priče da kupanje u jezeru donosi zdravlje i sreću u ljubavi, ali i brač- nom životu. Mladi koji nisu mogli da nađu bračnog partnera su se ku- pali u njemu u nadi da će upoznati nekoga i zasnovati porodicu. Sma- tra se i da jezero ispunjava želje, pa mnogi turisti bacaju novčić ili sit- niji nakit u jezero, dok legenda ka- že da će se želja ostvariti tek kada predmet dotakne samo dno jezera. Za Hridsko jezero se vezuje i ne- koliko legendi, a jedna od napozna- tijih govori da su čobani viđali kako se vile kupaju u njemu, dok površi- nu prekriva raznobojno planinsko cveće. Oni koji nisu verovali govo- rili su da je čobanina udarilo sunce u glavu i da im se vile pričinjavaju... TRNOVAČKO JEZERO Ovo romantično jezero lednič- kog porekla smešteno je na 1.517 metara nadmorske visine, i to neda- leko od granice sa Bosnom i Herce- govinom. Ima oblik srca modroze- lene boje, što je brojnim turistima koji se odluče da ga posete veoma interesantno. Jezero je idealno za kupanje i ribolov, dok je turistima posebno privlačno pešačenje zbog bajkovitih pejzaža i predela ko- ji ostavljaju bez daha. Dakle, više nego dovoljno razloga da upravo Trnovačko jezero bude vaša slede- ća destinacija kako biste mogli reći da ste videli srce Crne Gore. PIVSKO JEZERO Ono što Pivsko jezero čini ne- svakidašnjim jeste priroda koja ga okružuje, zbog koje je teško pove- rovati da je nastalo veštačkim pu- tem. Naime, šumoviti predeli koji ulepšavaju okruženje jezera, kao i njegova nesvakidašnja boja, umno- gome doprinose ovoj činjenici. Piv- sko jezero ubraja se među najveće
HRID LAKE At an altitude of almost 2,000 metres above sea level, at the very heart of the wilderness, surrounded by a coniferous forest that’s reflected in crystal-clear water, sits Hrid Lake, which represents a true hidden gem of the Prokletije mountains. It is al- so known as the “mountain eye”, as the mountain itself can be seen within it. To this day, it is still said around this region that bathing in this lake brings luck in health, love and married life. Young people un- able to find a spouse bathed here in the hope of meeting someone with whom to start a family. It is also be- lieved that the lake grants wishes, which is why many tourists throw coins or smaller items of jewellery into the lake, while one legend sug- gests that wishes only come true once the offered item reaches the very bottom of the lake. There are also several legends connected to Hrid Lake, one of the most famous of which is that shep- herds observed fairies bathing in the lake and covering the surface with colourful mountain flowers. Unbelievers claim that the shep- herds were hit by sunstroke that caused fairies to appear in front of their eyes... TRNOVAČKO LAKE This romantic lake of glacial ori- gins is located at an altitude of 1,517 metres above sea level, close to the border with Bosnia-Herzegovina. Its heart shape and blue-green hue are very interesting to the many tour- ists who decide to visit the lake. Ide- al for bathing and fishing, it is par- ticularly attractive to hiking tourists
thanks to the surrounding fairy-tale landscapes and breath-taking scen- ery. So, there are more than enough reasons to choose Trnovačko Lake for your next destination, and you can then say that you’ve seen the heart of Montenegro. LAKE PIVA Lake Piva is rendered extraordi- nary by the nature that surrounds it and makes it difficult to believe it was formed artificially. Contributing specifically to this fact are the for- ested areas that enhance the beauty of the lake’s surroundings, but al- so its unusual colour. Lake Piva is considered the largest reservoir of drinking water in the Balkans, while the area also boasts several obser- vation points that provide fantastic views of Piva Canyon. Lake Piva pro- vides salvation from the heat during the peak summer period, while the lake also offers various activities. Of course, that primarily means swim- ming during the summer months, but also fishing, while there’s also the longest zip line in Montenegro, lake cruises, kayaking and canyon- ing adventures. CAPTAIN’S LAKE Located close to the city of Nikšić, at an altitude of 1,678 metres above sea level, is Cap- tain’s Lake. Like many Montene- grin lakes, it emerged as a result of glacial activity, though there are, of course, numerous legends related to its origin and name. Thus, it is said that Nikšić’s Cap- tain Mušović had a summer cabin on the site of today’s lake, where he often stayed. Above the cabin,
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