Elevate June 2022 | Air Serbia

Ritam grada

Rhythm of the city

Pronađite svog najboljeg druga. Ali ne kupujte, udomite! Find your best friend. But don’t buy, adopt!

na Kalemegdanu

in Kalemegdan Park

Foto: depositphotos

Festival of street dogs

Festival uličnih pasa Posetite festival koji okuplja ne samo vlasnike pasa i pse ve i sve one koji vole kuce i imaju svest o tome da je pas čovekov najbolji prijatelj i zaštitnik

ri, dizajneri i frizeri, čak i poslas- tičarnica za pse. Organizovaće se razne kreativne radionice, ali i rad sa decom sa posebnim potrebama i psima. Biće predstavljeno i no- vo zanimanje – ulični šetač pasa. Osim u Beogradu, festival će biti organizovan i u gradovima regio- na – Skoplju, Podgorici, Zagrebu, Sarajevu i Ljubljani. Ljubimac u porodicu unese le- potu druženja i obogaćuje život, pa ćete sigurno uživati u ovom poro- dičnom, društveno odgovornom i zabavnom festivalu i naći svog naj- boljeg druga, nadamo se onog ko- ji nema nikoga i koji sam na svetu čeka svoju porodicu. Ne kupujte, udomite!

for dogs. There will be various crea- tive workshops, but also work with special needs children and dogs. This festival will also present the new oc- cupation of urban dog walker. Apart from Belgrade, this festival will al- so be held in the region’s other ma- jor cities: Skopje, Podgorica, Zagreb, Sarajevo and Ljubljana. A pet brings the beauty of social- ising to a family and enriches fami- ly life, so you’ll certainly enjoy this family-friendly, socially-responsi- ble and fun festival. And we hope you’ll find your own best friend among those who don’t have anyone and remain alone in the world, waiting for a family of their own. Don’t buy, adopt!

Attend a festival that brings together not only dogs and their owners, but all other dog lovers and those who are aware that the dog is truly man’s best friend and protector

The time has come for dogs, canine profession- als, dog owners and dog lovers to gather in one place. This festival has an educational and fun charac- ter, as it promotes new trends in dog selection, raising and adoption, but also in the treatment of dogs. It also has a mission to raise aware- ness of the importance of dogs to everyday life, but also to promote humane treatment and the protec-

tion of animals.

At this festival you can discover how to choose the right dog to suit you, how to adopt a dog and why you should, how to train a dog and how dogs influence child develop- ment, but also trends in dog styl- ing. All in this one place, you will find kennels, dog food producers, pet shops, veterinarians, animal shelters, dog trainers, designers and pet groomers, and even a cake shop

Vreme je da se na jed- nom mestu okupe psi, pro- fesionalci, vlasnici i ljubitelji pasa. Festival ima edukativni i zabavni karakter jer promoviše nove tendecije u odabiru, odga- janju i udomljavanju, ali i treti- ranju pasa. Takođe, ima misiju da podigne svest o značaju pa- sa u svakodnevnom životu, kao

i da promoviše humanost i za- štitu životinja. Na festivalu možete saznati ka- ko izabrati psa po svojoj meri, kako i zašto usvojiti psa, kako vaspitati psa, kako psi utiču na razvoj dete- ta, ali i trendove u psećem šizu-fri- zu. Na jednom mestu će se naći uzgajivačnice, proizvođači hrane, pet-šopovi, veterinari, azili, drese-

86 | Beograd » Belgrade

Belgrade » Beograd | 87

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