fenomeni / phenomena
Merilin Monro Merilin je verovatno najveća misteri- ja na ovoj listi. Iako je bila poznatija po svojoj lepoti, imala je nekoliko zapa- ženih uloga ( Neki to vole vruće , Princ i igračica i Neprilagođeni ). Te 1956. go- dine bila je nominovana za Zlatni glo- bus za film Autobuska stanica , da bi za Neki to vole vruće 1960. osvoji- la pomenutu nagradu u kategoriji za glavnu žensku ulogu u mjuziklu ili ko- mediji. Akademija pak nije smatrala da je uloga dovoljno dobra i Merilin ni- kada nije bila nominovana za Oskara. Britanska filmska akademija ju je pak nominovala dva puta, za Sedam godi - na vernosti i Princa i igračicu .
Mija Farou Mija Farou se proslavila ulogom u kul- tnom filmu Romana Polanskog Rozma - rina beba , od kojeg je zamalo odustala jer se u toku snimanja razvela od Fren- ka Sinatre. Bila je toliko utučena da je na pola snimanja htela da raskine ugo- vor, ali ju je Roman ubedio da nastavi rekavši da će je sigurno nominovati za Oskara. Nije se desilo. Usledile su za- pažene uloge, a iako je za Zlatni globus nominovana sedam puta (osvojila je je- dan za najbolju novu glumicu 1965. go- dine), Mija Farou nije uspela da očara Akademiju. Njenu karijeru su zasenile priče iz privatnog života i bizarna veza sa Vudijem Alenom, sa kojim je snimila
Džejmi Li Kertis Kraljica vriska, glumica sa najboljim nogama i ćerka čuvenih glumaca Toni- ja Kertisa i Dženet Li, proslavila se u re- mek-delu Džona Karpentera Noć ve- štica , ali se ubrzo zatim dokazala kao dobra glumica u dramama, a naroči- to komedijama. Već 1983. godine je za komediju Kolo sreće dobila nagradu BAFTA, dok je 1989. za jednu od svojih najboljih uloga u ostvarenju Riba zva- na Vanda nominovana i za Zlatni glo- bus. Po mišljenju kritičara, nominaci- ji za Oskara se najviše približila filmom Džejmsa Kamerona Istinite laži , za ko- ju je osvojila Zlatni globus. Ipak, ništa od Oskara.
Džon Gudman Džon Gudman je u svojoj karijeri više ostao upamćen po televizijskim ulo- gama nego po filmskim. Barem je ta- ko ako je suditi po nagradama. U svo- joj 40 godina dugoj karijeri za Emi je nominovan čak 11 puta, osvojio je jed- nog, a za Zlatni globus pet puta i osvo- jio je takođe jednog, za ulogu u sitko- mu Rozen . Među njegovim poznatijim ulogama su one u Podizanje Arizone , More ljubavi , Barton Fink , Veliki Lebov - ski , O, brate, gde si ?... No Akademi- ja i dalje nije bila dovoljno oduševljena njegovim ulogama da bi ga nomino- vala. To, naravno, ne umanjuje njego- vu vrednost. John Goodman John Goodman is best remembered for the television roles of his career, rather than his roles in film. At least that’s how it turns out judging by awards. During a career spanning 40 years, he has been nominated for Emmy awards as many as 11 times and won one, while he’s al- so been nominated five times for the Golden Globes, winning one for his role in the sitcom Roseanne. Standout per- formances among his more famous film roles include Raising Arizona, Sea of Love, Barton Fink, The Big Lebowski, O Brother, Where Art Thou? etc. None- theless, the Academy was insufficient- ly thrilled by his roles to nominate him, though this, of course, by no means di- minishes his worth as an actor.
čak 13 filmova. Mia Farrow
Mia Farrow first achieved fame with her role in Roman Polanski’s cult clas- sic Rosemary's Baby, which she almost abandoned during the filming due to the torment of going through her di- vorce from Frank Sinatra. She was so despondent that she wanted to cancel her contract halfway through shooting, but Polanski convinced her to continue, insisting that she would definitely re- ceive an Oscar nomination for her role. That didn't happen. This was followed by other notable roles, and despite be- ing nominated seven times for a Gold- en Globe (winning in 1965 for Best New Actress), Farrow failed to charm the Academy. Her career was over- shadowed by stories from her private life and her bizarre relationship with Woody Allen, with whom she made a whopping 13 films.
Emili Blant Emili Blant, koja se probila svojom drugom ulogom u karijeri u filmu Đavo nosi Pradu (za koji je bila nominovana za Zlatni globus i BAFTA), u poslednjih 15 godina je ostvari- la impresivnu karijeru, te je na ovoj listi za- vršila kao glumica sa najviše nominacija za razne nagrade, među kojima se nikada nije našla ona za Oskara. Emily Blunt Emily Blunt, who broke onto the world stage with the second role of her career, in The Devil Wears Prada (which resulted in her being nominated for both a Golden Globe and a BAFTA award), has forged an impressive career over the last 15 years, re- sulting in her being added to this list as the actress with the most nominations for var- ious awards, though without a single Os- car nomination.
Džim Keri Džim Keri je glumac koga većina pamti po komedijama, iako je zapra- vo ozbiljan dramski umetnik. Prem- da je prvu popularnu ulogu ostvario u filmu Maska , ubrzo su usledile nešto ozbiljnije uloge u filmovima Trumanov šou , Čovek na Mesecu i Večni sjaj bli - stavog uma . Za sve pomenute uloge je nominovan za Zlatni globus, a na- građen je dva puta, za Trumanov šou i Čoveka na Mesecu . Keri je karijeru započeo kao komičar i čini se da ga je Akademija uvek smatrala za „neoz- biljnog“ glumca. Jim Carrey Most people remember Jim Carrey for his roles in comedies, though he is actually a serious dramatic artist. His first popular role admittedly came in hit comedy The Mask, but more seri- ous roles soon followed, in The Truman Show, Man on the Moon and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. He re- ceived Golden Globe nominations for his roles in all of the aforementioned films, proving victorious on two occa- sions, for The Truman Show and Man on the Moon. Carrey began his career as a comedian, and it seems that the Academy has always considered him an “unserious” actor.
Jamie Lee Curtis This top “scream queen” and the ac- tress with the best legs, the daughter of famous acting couple Tony Curtis and Janet Leigh, shot to fame with her role in John Carpenter's horror mas- terpiece Halloween, but also quickly proved her worth as a competent ac- tress in dramatic works, and particu- larly comedies. By 1983 she’d already received a BAFTA Award for her role in the comedy Trading Places, then in 1989 she received a Golden Globe nomination for one of her best perfor- mances, in A Fish Called Wanda. Crit- ics suggest that she came closest to an Oscar nomination for her role in the James Cameron film True Lies, for which she won a Golden Globe Award and was nominated for a prestigious Screen Actors Guild Award for best supporting actress.
Marilyn Monroe Marilyn is probably the greatest mys- tery on this list. Despite being more famous for her beauty, she had sev- eral notable film roles (Some Like It Hot, The Prince and the Showgirl and The Misfits). She was nominat- ed for a Golden Globe for her role in the 1956 film Bus Stop, only to win the same award in 1960, in the catego- ry of best lead actress in a musical or comedy, for Some Like It Hot. Howev- er, the Academy didn’t consider her role as being good enough and Mar- ilyn was never nominated for an Os- car. The British Film Academy none- theless nominated her twice, for The Seven Year Itch and The Prince and the Showgirl.
Najželjenija statua u Holivudu, za neke slavne glumce ostaje samo san / The most wanted statue in Hollywood, for some famous actors, remains a dream
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