Er Srbija info
Air Serbia info
Venecija Venice
Avio-karte iz Beograda do Venecije možete kupiti preko sajta lako i brzo, pa za samo dva sata već biti u ovom prelepom gradu
You can buy plane tickets from Belgrade to Venice through the site fast and easy and in just two hours already be in this beautiful city
Maj u Veneciji Grad brojnih kanala i mostova koji se preko njih protežu. Zbog toga je Venecija na meti turista iz celog sveta i jedna od najpo- znatijih i posećenijih destinaci- ja na svetu. Prelepa arhitektura svedoči o veličanstvenoj prošlo- sti Venecije – nekadašnje moćne trgovačke republike i centra re- nesansne umetnosti. Kupite avio-kartu do Venecije, uživajte u letu, a ubrzo i u lepo- ti i raskoši ploveći čamcima kroz uske gradske kanale. Ne propu- stite da obiđete neku od mnogih prodavnica autentičnih veneci- janskih maski i rukotvorina. May in Venice A city of numerous canals and bridges over them. Because of this, Venice is a target of tour- ists from around the world and one of the most famous and vis- ited destinations in the world. The stunning architecture testifies to the magnificent past of Venice - the once powerful trading repub- lic and the centre of the Renais- sance art. Buy a plane ticket to Venice, en- joy the flight and very soon en- joy the beauty and splendour of floating boats through narrow city canals. Do not miss to vis- it one of the many shops of au- thentic Venetian masks and handcrafts.
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