Simbol Španije, njen kulinarski ponos i dika, paelja jeste rođena u Valensiji, ali danas se za nju može naći bar 300 recepata A symbol of Spain and its culinary pride and glory, paella did first emerge in Valencia, though today at least 300 paella recipes can be found across the country
sagrađena je berza svile i postala simbol zlatnog doba grada Silk Exchange was built in the 15 th century and became a symbol of the city’s golden age u 15. veku
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Dr. Barbara Sturm Molekularna Kozmetika Ekskluzivno U Belodore Parfimerijama Tokom dve decenije karijere, doktor- ka Barbara Sturm stekla je reputaciju i slavu promovišući tehnike za dostiza- nje mlade, zdrave, lepe kože bez hirur- ške intervencije. Kompletna Dr. Barbara Sturm Moleku- larna Kozmetika formulisana je za one koji čeznu za jednostavnim, ali viso- ko efikasnim režimom nege kože ko- ji pruža hidrataciju, ishranu i regene- rativni sjaj. U srcu gotovo svakog proizvoda nala- zi se prirodni ekstrakt biljke tušt, sastoj- ka protiv starenja koji se često naziva i „izvorom mladosti.“
Zapadno pročelje i Apostol - ska vrata otvaraju se ka Trgu Svete Device, tradicionalnom mestu susreta koje krasi fon - tana. Najstarija vrata palate gledaju na trg Almojna, a že - lezna vrata na Kraljičin trg. U jednom delu zgrade smešten je muzej, u kojem se nalaze slike umetnika poput Franci - ska Goje, ali najzanimljivija relikvija koje ovde privlači tu - riste je Sveti gral, iz kojeg je Hrist pio tokom svoje posled - nje večere. Arheolozi su utvr - dili da kalež datira iz 1. ve - ka pre nove ere, a čuva se iza zaštitnog stakla u raskoš - noj Kapeli Svetog grala, unu - tar katedrale od 1916, iako je u Valensiji, kažu, od 15. veka. I Vatikan je prepoznaje kao jedno od mesta koje potenci - jalno čuva pravi putir. Paelja Paelja je tradicionalno špan - sko jelo nastalo u Valensiji sredinom 19. veka. Ime je do - bila po specifičnom plitkom tiganju u kojem se pripre - ma. Sastoji se od belog pi - rinča, zelenog povrća, mesa (zečetina, piletina ili pačeti - na), puževa, pasulja i začina, a ključni sastojci su šafran i maslinovo ulje. Simbol Špa - nije, njen kulinarski ponos i
houses the Museum which preserves paintings by talen- ted Renaissance artists that includes works by Francisco Goya. But the most interesting relic enticing tourists to visit this museum is a holy chalice that’s believed to be the real Holy Grail, which Christ drank from during the last supper. Archaeologists have confir - med that the goblet was crea- ted in the 1st century BC, whi- le the Vatican has officially recognised it. Paella Paella is a traditional Spani- sh dish that was first created in the Valencia region during the mid-19th century. Named after the specific shallow pan in which it is prepared, it is a commonly held belief in Valen- cia that this dish represents a symbol of their identity. It con- sists of white rice, green ve- getables, meat (either rabbit, chicken or duck), snails, beans and herbs and spices. Seafo- od can be used as an alterna- tive to meat. Saffron and oli- ve oil are also key ingredients. The pride for the country. Ri- ce forms the base of the dish,
combining perfectly with the other ingredients, but it is the essential addition of saffron and olive oil that makes the di- fference. The symbol of Spain, its culinary pride and joy, was born in Valencia, but today, say the Spaniards, you can find at least 300 recipes and every time it will taste great. Lonja de la Seda The Lonja de la Seda (Silk Ex- change) was built in the 15th century and became a symbol of the city’s golden age. Va- lencia was then the European hub of the silk trade and ho- me to several hundred gifted craftsmen. La Lonja de la Se- da is today included on the list of UNESCO World Heritage Si- tes and represents a stunning and well-preserved example of the Mediterranean Gothic style, with Renaissance décor. Reminiscent of a medieval castle, its stone façade has sharply angular shapes, whi- le there are also gargoyles, co- ats of arms and other illustra- tive details, as well as flawless window and door structures. You can find the Silk Exchan - ge on the Plaza del Mercado.
Dr. Barbara Sturm Molecular Cosmetics EXCLUSIVELY IN BELODORE PERFUMERY Complete Dr. Barbara Sturm Molecular Cosmetics is formulated for those who long for a simple but highly effective skin care regimen that provides hydra- tion, nutrition and regenerative glow. At the heart of almost every product is a natural extract of the purslane, an an- ti-aging ingredient often referred to as the "source of youth." Over two decades of her career, Dr. Barbara Sturm has gained a reputation and fame by promoting techniques for achieving young, healthy, beautiful skin without surgical interventions.
dika, jeste rođena u Valensiji, ali danas, kažu Španci, mo - žete da nađete bar 300 rece - pata i svaki put će joj ukus biti izvrstan. Lonja de la Seda Berza svile sagrađena je u 15. veku i postala je simbol zlatnog doba grada. U to je vreme Valensija bila evrop - sko središte trgovine svilom i dom nekoliko stotina nada - renih majstora. Danas je Lo -
nja de la Seda upisana na Uneskovu listu svetske bašti - ne kao jedan od zapanjuju - ćih i dobro očuvanih primera mediteranske gotike sa re - nesansnim dekorom. Veoma podseća na srednjovekov - ni dvorac, fasada ima stroge oblike i izrađena je od kame - na, a tu su i gargojli, grbovi i ostali detalji, kao i bespre - korna struktura prozora i vra - ta. Berzu svile možete prona - ći na Plazi del Merkado.
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