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Maverick is finally arriving Get ready to return to the danger zone Aerial antics, leather jackets and Ray- Ban shades, handsome guys playing on the beach, Goose’s son training with Maverick, the sounds of Loggins’ unforgettable song Danger Zone… Yes, it’s Top Gun, but the sequel…
INTERESTING FACTS 1. The original Top Gun soundtrack is still among the 10 best-selling mov- ie soundtracks of all time, with 15 mil- lion copies sold. Apart from the hit song Take My Breath Away, notable success was also achieved by Dan- ger Zone by Kenny Loggins (who is al- so known for the famous title track for the film Footloose) and Heaven In Your Eyes by Canadian rock band Lov- erboy. 2. Val Kilmer initially didn’t want to play the role of Lieutenant Tom Kazansky, but he was obliged to do so due to his contract with Paramount Pictures, which threatened to sue if he refused the role. 3. The film was excessively expensive for the time. Specifically, Paramount paid $7,800 per hour for aircraft fuel whenever the planes were flown out- side their normal duties. In order to get the perfect shot as he’d imagined it, director Tony Scott paid $25,000 for the ship to be moved for just a few minutes. 4. Tony Scott was fired from the pro- ject three times during shooting, due to the film constantly running over budget. 5. The main love scene between the two stars was shot several weeks af- ter production had wrapped, because audiences for the first test screen- ings insisted that the film lacked pas- sion and intimacy between Cruise and McGillis. 6. The real TOPGUN school at San Diego’s Marine Corps Air Station Mira- mar has banned students from quot- ing Top Gun, with a $5 fine imposed for every transgression. 7. The film was inspired by an article in an issue of California magazine fo- cusing on the lives of fighter pilots sta- tioned at the then Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego.
U nastavku ćemo gledati sina nastradalog Gusa koji je očigledno krenuo očevim stopama In the sequel we’ll see the son of the ill-fated Goose, who’s obviously following in his father’s footsteps
Sa 10 puta većim budžetom od originala, Top gan 2 je postao jedan od najskupljih filmova u poslednjih pet godina koji nemaju veze sa Marvelom ili DC komiksom With a budget 10 times that of the original, Top Gun 2 has become one of the most expensive films of the last five years that have no connection to Marvel or DC Comics
Zanimljivosti 1. Saundtrek Top gana je i dalje jedna od 10 najprodavanijih svih vremena sa tiražom od 15 miliona primeraka. Osim pesme Take My Breath Away, zapažen uspeh su imale i Danger Zo - ne Kenija Loginsa (koji je poznat i po čuvenoj pesmi Footlose iz istoimenog filma) i Heaven In Your Eyes kanad- skog rok benda Loverboy . 2. Val Kilmer inicijalno nije želeo da tu- mači lik poručnika Toma Kazanskog, ali je bio obavezan ugovorom sa stu- dijom Paramaunt , koji je pretio tuž- bom ukoliko ne odigra ulogu. 3. Film je bio preskup za to vreme. Na- ime, plaćali su 7.800 dolara po satu za gorivo letelica kad god su morale da lete mimo svojih osnovnih dužno- sti. Da bi dobio kadar kakav je zami- slio, reditelj Toni Skot je platio 25.000 dolara kako bi se brod izmestio na svega nekoliko minuta. 4. Toni Skot je otpušten čak tri puta u toku snimanja, jer je film konstantno probijao predviđeni budžet. 5. Glavna ljubavna scena između dvoje protagonista snimljena je neko- liko nedelja kasnije, jer je nakon prvog test skrininga za publiku konstatovano da filmu fali strasti i intimnosti između Kruza i Mekgilisove. 6. U pravoj TOP GUN školi u Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, u San Di- jegu, zabranjeno je citiranje replika iz Top gana , inače se po citatu dobija kazna od pet dolara. 7. Inspiracija za film je bio članak iz magazina Kalifornija , koji se fokusirao na živote borbenih pilota u Pomorskoj akademiji u San Dijegu.
Three years after film- ing ended, Top Gun: Maver- ick, the sequel to the cult 1986 film, is finally set to see the light of day. Undoubtedly Paramount Pictures’ biggest and most anticipated film, its European premiere will come as part of the out of competition pro- gramme at this year’s Cannes Film Festival. Following a record seven postponements, which is a rare oc- currence for major studios, it finally received a green light for 27th May. Top Gun was 1986’s top-grossing film, both in the U.S. and around the world. Its leading lights, Tom Cruise and Kelly McGillis, became worldwide stars, while new-wave band Berlin’s song Take My Breath Away topped the U.S. and UK charts and went on to win the Academy Award for Best Original Song. Kelly McGillis faded into obscu- rity after the film (not surprising, re- ally), but Top Gun did bring us Tom Cruise, who has gone on to become one of the all-time most popular action heroes, while simultaneous- ly being nominated for his dramat- ic roles and even winning three Os- cars. Upon release, the film proved to be a huge commercial hit, earning $357 million globally on a $15 mil- lion budget, but critics were starkly divided. Renowned critic Roger Ebert said that Top Gun was hard to review because the good parts are so good and the bad parts are “so relentless” for the audience. The sequel brings us a new gen- eration of elite naval aviators. And there’s also Pete “Maverick” Mitch-
ell, who, after 36 years serving in the Navy, doesn’t seem to have ad- vanced beyond the rank of captain. At the request of Admiral “Iceman” Kazansky (we had no doubt that he would have advanced in his career), Maverick is tasked with teaching the best pilots, who are as self-assured and arrogant as he was, and who in- clude Goose’s son, played by Miles Teller. But this time the stakes are even higher, because Maverick and his crew are embarking on a mission that includes “combat at a level no living pilot has ever seen, not even Maverick” ... The sequel seems to be ready to offer plenty of nostalgia to fans of the original. We see a return of daring aerial manoeuvres, leather jackets, aviator sunglasses, another round of topless beach sports and, of course, Tom Cruise riding his motor- bike without a helmet, though this
time with a different woman sitting behind him (Jennifer Connelly) … And while we’re on the subject of Cruise, who is known for perform- ing his own stunts, we should note that the new Top Gun film is no ex- ception. Did he really need to fly a genuine jet fighter while six camer- as recorded his every move? Yes, he absolutely did! “You can't act that, the distor- tion in the face. They’re pulling 7 and a half, 8 Gs, that’s 1,600 pounds of force. You just can't create this kind of experience unless you shoot it live,” explains Cruise. According to the producers, Cruise was initially told that it would be impossible for him to be able to access and fly real jets, which was enough to compel him to prove them wrong. As we are all very well aware, there’s no such thing as an impossi- ble mission for Tom Cruise…
Prvu numeru sa novog saundtreka napisala je i otpevala Ledi Gaga, a zove se Hold My Hand The first track on the new soundtrack was written and performed by Lady Gaga and is called Hold My Hand
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