Elevate May 2022 | Air Serbia



In the spirit of sustainability Dried flowers as the height of chic

U duhu održivosti

Suvo cveće kao vrhunac šika

Though spring is the time when we turn to seasonal buds, experts in interiors advocate in favour of the elegance of dried flowers that complement the latest home trends

Iako je proleće vreme kada se okrećemo sezonskim pupoljcima, eksperti za uređenje enterijera zagovaraju eleganciju sušenog cveća koja komplementira najnovije home trendove

One of the unforgettable lines of the cult film The Devil Wears Pra- da is uttered by the wonderful Meryl Streep, as the icy, determined editor Miranda, when, during an editori- al meeting, she responds to a pro- posal for the April issue from one of the journalists by saying sarcasti- cally: “Florals? For spring? Ground- breaking!” And it’s true – flowers are syn- onymous with the season that awak- ens poetically by bringing us a bunch of breath-taking buds. Still, there doesn’t seem to be anything over- ly inspiring in yet another bouquet of cut flowers that we’ll frivolously discard at the first hint of wilting – nor is it aligned with the ideals of sustainability to which we aspire. This does not, of course, mean that we should completely renounce the pleasure represented by viewing beautiful petals in an interior. How- ever, experts in interiors propose dried flower arrangements, which have a preserved aesthetic value that achieves an almost sculptural form. Dried flowers used to be perceived as being less exciting than fresh ones, but not anymore. Contributing to the popularisation of creations made from artistically preserved flowers have been brands like UrbanStems, as well as the talented hipster-image florists of the Etsy platform. The reason for this is that these kinds of bouquets appear more luxu- rious and expensive than those made from artificial flowers, while they’re equally ideal for all those who simply don’t have the time, will or money to constantly change the floral dec- orations in their home. a chic effect is created by choosing dramatic con- trasts between the flowers, and of- ten cutting to different lengths ac-

J edna od nezaborav- nih replika iz kultnog filma Đavo nosi Pra- du je ona kada sjajna Meril Strip kao lede- no odlučna urednica Miranda na redakcijskom sastanku povodom predloga jedne od novinarki za te- mu aprilskog broja sarkastično iz- govori: „Cvetni deseni? Za prole- će? Nikad ranije viđeno!“ I istina je – cvetovi su sino- nim za godišnje doba koje se po- etično budi donoseći pregršt pu- poljaka koji oduzimaju dah. Ipak, čini se da nema nečeg preterano nadahnjujućeg u još jednom se- čenom buketu koji ćemo baciti sa prvim naznakama uvelosti, a nije ni u skladu sa idealima održivosti kojima težimo. Što, naravno, ne znači da treba potpuno da se odreknemo zado- voljstva koje predstavlja pogled na prelepe latice u prostoriji. Među- Nema nečeg preterano nadahnjujućeg u još jednom sečenom buketu koji ćemo baciti sa prvim naznakama uvelosti

cording to designed dynamics. Using such sophisticated dried flowers to decorate a table for a dinner or cele- bration is particularly popular. And the latest world wedding trend emphasises the dominance of bridal bouquets made of dried flow- ers, which have a sweet retro charm that evokes the customs of bygone times. Modern brides, whether they’re defying convention by choos- ing wedding dress colours that aren’t the prescribed white and opting for canvas sandshoes over high heels, or they go mad for the old-time el- egance of black and white films, in- creasingly carry bouquets on their special day that aren’t made of fresh- ly picked flowers, but rather exciting combinations of dried petals. This trend is currently dominating Ins- tagram – but with another appeal- ing reason: this bouquet will look in- creasingly beautiful as the years pass. flowers that we’ll frivolously discard at the first hint of wilting There’s nothing overly inspiring in yet another bouquet of cut

tim, eksperti za uređenje enterije- ra predlažu aranžmane od sušenog cveća čija sačuvana estetska vred- nost postiže gotovo skulpturalnu formu. U prošlosti, sušeno cveće je percipirano kao manje uzbudljivo od onog svežeg, ali više nije tako. Popularizaciji kreacija od artistič- ki prezerviranih cvetova doprine- li su brendovi poput Urbanstems i talentovani cvećari hipsterskog imidža sa Etsy platforme . Rezon je da ovakvi buketi izgledaju luksuznije i skuplje od onih od veštačkog cveća, a podjed- nako su dobri za one koji prosto nemaju vremena, volje ili novca da svako malo menjaju cvetnu de- koraciju u stanu. Šik efekat se po- stiže dramatičnim kontrastima, a neretko i predano osmišljenom di- namikom sečenja cveća. Posebno je popularno opremiti sto za veče- ru ili slavlje ovako sofisticiranim sušenim cvetovima. Kada je reč o venčanjima, najnoviji svetski trend naglaša- va dominaciju bidermajera od suvog cveća, čija dražesna retro priroda evocira običaje prohuja- lih vremena. Moderne mlade, bilo da prkose konvencijama birajući boje drugačije od propisane bele za svoje venčanice i starke ume- sto štikli ili otkidaju na old-time eleganciju crno-belih filmova, sve češće na svoj srećni dan u rukama imaju bukete koji nisu napravljeni od tek ubranog cveća, već ove uz- budljive kombinacije sušenih la- tica. Taj trend trenutno gospoda- ri Instagramom, ali sa još jednim simpatičnim razlogom – ovaj bu- ket će, kako godine prolaze, izgle- dati sve lepše.

Tekst/Words: Ivan Radojčić Fotografije/Photography: Depositphotos

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