Dyson Zone Od tvoraca najprepoznatljivih usisivača na svetu već neko vreme stižu i drugi, podjednako besprekorni proizvodi. Ipak, čini se da njihova najno- vija inovacija donosi najveće unapređenje našoj svakodnevici – ove slu- šalice vam reprodukuju omiljenu muziku i čiste vazduh oko vas. Da, ta- kav futuristički detalj nije stigao na tržište tek tako – nakon šest godina istraživanja i 500 prototipa stiglo se do optimalne verzije. Na oduševlje- nje na svim stranama planete, jer iako još nisu u zvaničnoj prodaji, izazi- vaju ogromno interesovanje. Dyson Zone The creators of the world’s most recognisable vacuum cleaners have been releasing other, equally flawless products for some time now. And yet, it seems that their latest innovation provides the greatest improve- ments to our everyday life, as these headphones play your favourite music while cleaning the air around you. Yes, such a futuristic gadget didn’t find its way to the market “just like that” – it was only after six years of research and 500 prototypes that they came up with the optimal version. This is delighting the whole planet, with this device eliciting great interest despite having not yet been officially released.
Beats Cosmophones Kada je reč o slušalicama, čini se da se okvirno deli- mo na dva hi-tech plemena: one koji vole nename- tljivu perfekciju AirPods i one koji slušalice doživlja- vaju kao atraktivno slikarsko platno za najkreativnije ideje. Ukoliko ste se prepoznali kao pripadnik ove druge grupacije, oduševiće vas ove nastale kroz saradnju kultnih Beats i Kervina Frosta. Mladi zabav- ljač iz Harlema, poznat kao di-džej, voditelj tok-šou programa i komičar, prepoznatljiv je po eklektičnom stilu, pa je sasvim jasno kako će ove sluške postati hajpovani produžetak streetwear outfita . Beats Cosmophones It seems that, when it comes to headphones, we’re roughly divided between two high-tech tribes: those who love the unobtrusive perfection of AirPods; and those who see headphones as an attractive artist’s canvas for the most creative ideas. If you identify as a member of the second group, you’ll be thrilled by the headphones born of the collaboration between cult brand Beats and Kerwin Frost. This young enter- tainer from Harlem, known for his work as a DJ, chat show host and comedian, is recognisable for his ec- lectic style, which is why these headphones are sure to become a hyped extension of streetwear outfits.
gedžeti / gadgets Energija optimizma osvaja i tehniku / The energy of optimism is also conquering technology Gedžeti o kojima svi pričaju ovih dana – neophodni, neodoljivi i neprikosnoveno kul / The Gadgets that are on everyone’s lips these days – essential, irresistible and the epitome of cool Casetify x Peanuts The world’s most famous beagle has his own place in the annals of cartoon leg- ends, but he’s also increasingly turning up in fashion collections, where his noncha- lant muzzle is tasked with the mission of refreshing hooded sweatshirts, T-shirts and accessories. And it was in this same spirit that the collaboration between the unavoidable Casetify and the legacy of Charles Shultz emerged. This Hong Kong- based lifestyle brand offers fans of Snoopy the opportunity to add Peanuts themes to their favourite gadgets, with the possibility of personalising them, though in very limited quantities that will inevitably leads to ‘sold out’ drama. Casetify x Peanuts Najpoznatiji bigl na svetu ima svoje mesto u špaliru crtanih legendi, ali se sve če- šće zadesi i u modnim kolekcijama, gde nonšalantna njuška ima misiju da osve- ži dukseve, majice i aksesoare. U tom duhu nastala je kolaboracija nezaobilaznih Casetify sa legatom Charlesa Shultza . Lajfstajl brend iz Hongkonga nudi Snupi- jevim fanovima priliku da svoje omiljene gedžete odenu u Peanuts motive sa mo- gućnošću personalizacije, ali u vrlo limitiranim količinama koje će nesumnjivo izazvati sold out dramu.
Fender Newport 2 Iako je u pitanju ime koje nas neupitno asocira na gitare koje obožavaju omiljeni nam rok izvođači, Fender je bučno ušao na tržište bluetooth zvučnika još 2017. Inspirisani kultnim muzičkim festivalima iz šezdesetih, modeli Monterey i Newport su objedi- nili retro-dizajn sa novom tehnologijom. Newport je nadahnut li- nijama ikoničnih Silverface pojačala, a u svojoj drugoj iteraciji dobio je nove atraktivne kombinacije boja koje pružaju novovre- menski update celoj priči. Fender Newport 2 Despite being a name that we automatically associate with the guitars that are adored by our favourite rockers, Fender entered the Bluetooth speaker market “noisily” back in 2017. Inspired by cult music festivals from the 1960s, their Monterey and New- port models combined a retro design with new technology. The design of the Newport model drew inspirations from the lines of Fender’s iconic “Silverface” amplifiers, while its second iteration received attractive new colour combinations that provide the whole story with a contemporary update.
Panasonic Technics SL-1200M7L Originalna verzija ovog gramofona izašla je u oktobru 1972. i po- stala bespogovorno omiljeni gedžet za mnoge di-džejove, sve dok nije izašla iz proizvodnje 2010. Međutim, kultni status mu je obnovljen kada je 2016. vraćen u proizvodnju, a kako se nostal- gija najlakše unovči ovih dana, Panasonic se odvažio da lansira li- mitiranu seriju od 12.000 primeraka, od kojih će svaki imati pre- stižno naglašen serijski broj. Boje su važan deo ovog rivajvla, pa ukoliko ste među srećnicima ugrabe svoj ikonični gedžet, možete birati između crne, crvene, plave, bele, zelene, žute i bež. Panasonic Technics SL-1200M7L The original version of this turntable was released in October 1972 and became the undisputed favourite of many DJs instantly, re- maining so until production ended in 2010. However, it immedi- ately regained its cult status when production was relaunched in 2016. And, given that nostalgia has been among the easiest strings to pull to cash in over recent times, it’s no surprise that Panasonic took the bold step of launching a limited-edition series in 12,000 copies, each of which will sport a prestigiously accen- tuated serial number. Colours are also an important part of this revival, so if you’re lucky enough to be among those who manage to grad one of these iconic gadgets, you can choose between black, red, blue, white, green, yellow and beige.
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