Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
Manastir Beočin posvećen je Vaznese- nju Hristovom (40 dana posle Uskrsa). Po- dignut je na severnoj padini Fruške gore, a ktitor se ne zna. Prvi pouzdan podatak o manastiru zabeležen je u turskim kata- starskim defterima iz sredine 16. veka. Na- daleko čuven po ikoni čudotvorne Presve- te Bogorodice, koja je u ovom zdanju već 500 godina, pred njom se mole i traže po- moć vernici svih vera i iz svih krajeva Evro- pe. Uz njene molitve, kažu, žene koje ni- su mogle da rode ostvaruju se kao majke. Ikona se ranije nalazila u grobljanskoj ka- peli, koja je u ratu sa Turcima porušena, a jedino je čudotvorna ikona ostala čita- va. Preneta je u crkvu i od tada se nalazi na sadašnjem mestu. BEOČIN MONASTERY Beočin Monastery is dedicated to the Feast of the Ascension of Jesus Christ (40 days after Easter). Raised on the northern slope of Fruška Gora by an unknown founder, this monastery was first recorded in a mid-16th century Ottoman Turkish cadastral deft- er. Widely renowned for the icon of the mi- raculous Most Holy Mother of God, which has remained within this building for 500 years, believers of all faiths come from all over Europe to pray in front of it and seek her help. It is said that prayers to her have enabled previously barren women to be- come mothers. The icon used to be housed in the cemetery chapel, which was de- stroyed during war with the Turks, with only this miraculous icon remaining intact. It was transferred to the church and has since re- mained in its present location. MANASTIR GRGETEG Crkva manastira Grgeteg posvećena je Svetom Nikoli (22. maj). Manastir je izgrađen na južnom obronku Fruš- ke gore, severno od naselja Grgeteg, bivšeg manastirskog prnjavora. Kti- tor je po legendi despot Vuk Branko- vić – Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk. Danas, nakon više od 500 godina, Grgeteg odoleva zubu vremena, stasit, blistav i pono-
Posebno mesto u našoj istoriji zauzima mana- stir Hopovo (Staro i Novo Hopovo praktično ima- ju istu istoriju). Smatra se da je sagrađen krajem 15. veka i tokom istorije predstavljao je utočiš- te mnogim značajnim ličnostima. Među njima je bio i Dositej Obradović, srpski prosvetitelj i re- formator, koji je za svoj monaški život odabrao taj manastir, u kojem je boravio tri godine. Crkva manastira Novo Hopovo posvećena je Svetom Nikoli (19.decembar), a prvi pisani podatak nala- zi se u turskom popisu iz 1546. godine. U mana- stiru Staro Hopovo crkva je posvećena Svetom
Pantelejmonu (9. avgust). HOPOVO MONASTERIES
Occupying a special place in Serbian history are the Hopovo monasteries (Staro [Old] and No- vo [New] Hopovo share practically the same his- tory). Believed to have been built in the late 15th century, it has provided a place of refuge for many important figures throughout history. These include Dositej Obradović, a Serbian educator and reformer who chose to base his monastic life at this Fruška Gora monastery, spending three years here. The church of Novo Hopovo Monas- tery is dedicated to Saint Nicholas (19th Decem- ber) and its existence was first recorded in the Ottoman census of 1546. The church of Staro Hopovo Monastery is dedicated to Saint Pantale- on the all-compassionate (9th August).
Istorijski podaci govore da je većina verskih objekata na ovim prostorima nastala u 16. veku According to historical records, most of the religious buildings in this area were built during the 16 th century
MANASTIR VRDNIK- RAVANICA Crkva manastira posvećena je Vazne- senju Hristovom (40 dana posle Uskr- sa), slavi hramovnu slavu na Vidovdan (28. jun), a poznat je kao Nova Ravani- ca. Izvori iz prve polovine 18. veka sve- doče da je crkva sagrađena u drugoj polovini 16. veka. Vrdnik su posle Ve- like seobe obnovili kaluđeri manastira Ravanica i u manastirsku crkvu smesti- li mošti kneza Lazara. Današnja crkva
sagrađena je 1811. godine. Manastir je izgrađen u mestu Vrdnik, a u njegovom parku naći ćete bistu pesnikinje Mili- ce Stojadinovic Srpkinje, Vrdničke vile, kako su je savremenici zvali, jer je naj- značajnija dela stvarala dok je živela u Vrdniku. Obavezno probajte manastir- sku rakiju. VRDNIK-RAVANICA MONASTERY Better known as Nova [New] Ravani- ca, the church of this monastery is ded- icated to the Feast of the Ascension of Christ (40 days after Easter) and its pa- tron saint’s day is commemorated on Vidovdan (28th June). Records dating back to the first half of the 18th century
confirm that the church was built dur- ing the second half of the 16th century. It was following the Great Migration of the Serbs that Vrdnik was renovated by the monks of Ravanica Monastery, who transferred the relics of Prince Lazar to the monastery church. The current church was built in 1811. Constructed in the town of Vrdnik itself, in the monas- tery park you will find a bust of the poet Milica ‘Srpkinja’ Stojadinović, the Vrd- nik Fairy as she was dubbed by her con- temporaries, due to her having created her most important works while living in Vrdnik. Be sure to sample the monas- tery’s rakija brandy.
san. Svojom lepotom oduzima dah, a svojom bogatom istorijom pomuti um mnogobrojnim turistima i posetioci- ma. Ipak, njegova namena se za po- la milenijuma nije promenila: tu je da pruži utočište i mir svakome kome je to potrebno. GRGETEG MONASTERY Built on the southern slopes of Fruška Gora, north of the former monastery estate that is today the settlement of Grgeteg, the church of the Grgeteg Monastery is dedicated to St. Nicho-
las (22nd May). Founded, according to legend, by Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk - Des- pot Vuk Branković, Grgeteg contin- ues to resist the ravages of time more than 500 years on, remaining stur- dy, radiant and proud. It truly takes the breath away with its beauty, while boggling the minds of many tourists and visitors with its rich history. How- ever, its purpose has not changed in half a millennium: it exists to provide a place of refuge and peace to all those in need.
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