Ritam Srbije / Rhythm of Serbia
Čuvenog srpskog naučnika Nikolu Teslu sa ovim manastirom povezuje i izvor Svete Anastasije Famous Serb scientist Nikola Tesla is also linked to this monastery thanks to its St. Anastasija spring
MANASTIR ŠIŠATOVAC Posebno mesto na Fruškoj gori ima ma- nastir Šišatovac, koji su monasi iz ma- nastira Žiča kao svoje utočište sagradi- li na zapadnim obroncima ove planine i posvetili ga Rođenju Presvete Bogoro- dice. Nalazi se 16 kilometara od Srem- ske Mitrovce, star je oko 500 godina, a u njegovoj okolini vekovima su se, izme- đu ostalih, naseljavali i Ličani – među nji- ma i rođaci Nikole Tesle. Čuvenog srpskog naučnika sa ovim manastirom povezuje i izvor Svete Anastasije. Legenda kaže da je mana- stirska voda izlečila malog Teslu od ko- lere. Kada je ustao iz bolesničke poste- lje, ugledao je svetleću belu golubicu, koja ga je pratila do kraja života. Priča se i da je tada odlučio da umesto bo- goslovije uči tehniku. Meštani čak pri- čaju da se upravo na ovom mestu Te- sla zainteresovao za elektricitet. Kako se prepričava po kraju, za vreme veli- kog nevremena, kad su munje udarale oko manastira i po selu, Tesla je poma- zio mačku. Međutim, elektricitet je ura- dio svoje, a on povezao udar munja sa elektricitetom. Naravno, kao i uvek u pričama o velikim ljudima, malo je mašte, malo realno- sti, a mnogo ljubavi, pa je teško reći šta je od svega toga istina. Ipak, nema ni- kakve dileme da je manastir Šišatovac i danas mesto okupljanja vernika, da odiše posebnim mirom i da na najlepši način povezuje tradiciju i veru. Manastir je imao veoma bogatu istoriju, u njemu je sahranjen srpski despot Stefan Štilja- nović, koji je i kanonizovan. Manastir je bio darivan i od Vuka Isako- viča (glavnog junaka Seoba Miloša Cr- njanskog), njegovog brata Trifuna, a bio je čuven i po manastirskoj biblioteci. U 19. veku u manastiru je boravio Vuk Ka- radžić i tu slušao i zapisivao pesme gu- slara Filipa Višnjića.
ŠIŠATOVAC MONASTERY A special place on Fruška Gora is oc- cupied by Šišatovac Monastery, which was built on its western slopes by monks displaced from Central Serbia’s Žiča Monastery as their own refuge and ded- icated to the Birth of the Holy Virgin. Lo- cated just 16 kilometres from Srems- ka Mitrovica, it is around 500 years old. Serbs from the Lika region of Croatia, among others, have been resettling in the area around this monastery for cen- turies and have included relatives of Nikola Tesla. And this famous Serb scientist and in- ventor is also linked to this monastery thanks to its St. Anastasija spring, the waters of which are said to have cured a little Tesla of cholera. Legend has it that when he rose from his sickbed, he spot- ted a glowing white dove that went on to follow him for the rest of his life. It is al- so said that it was then that he decid- ed to study mechanical engineering instead of attending the seminary. Lo- cal residents even say that it was here that Tesla developed his interest in elec- tricity. According to the local tale, dur-
ing a great storm, with lightning striking around the monastery and village, Tes- la sat stroking a cat. However, electricity did its thing and Tesla’s mind connected the lightning strike with electricity. Of course, as is always the case with stories about great people, this is part fantasy and part reality, with a lot of love, so it’s difficult to determine the full truth. However, there’s no doubt that Šiša- tovac Monastery is still a place for be- lievers to gather; a place that exudes a special serenity and connects tradi- tion and faith in the best way. This mon- astery has a very rich history and is also the final resting place of Serbian Despot Stefan Štiljanović, who has also been canonised. The monastery also received donations from Vuk Isaković (the inspiration behind the main character of Miloš Crnjanski’s book Migrations), his brother Trifun, and was also renowned for its monastery li- brary. Language reformer Vuk Karadžić stayed at this monastery in the 19th century and it was here that he heard and recorded the poems of guslar Fil- ip Višnjić.
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