Fasada hotela, uz Parisku ulicu i Velike stepenice, nosi duh akademizma, a neorenesansu u obradi detalja The hotel’s façade, like Pariska Street and the Grand Staircase, carries the spirit of academicism, but also Neo-Renaissance in the treating of its details
HOTEL NACIONAL Belgrade was liberated from Turkish rule in 1867. At that time, on the area forming the boundary between the fortress and the town, Kalemegdan hotels began being con- structed and opened. One of them was the Hotel Nacional, which sprout- ed on the site of an old inn. This hotel was home to famous writer Milovan Glišić following his divorce, and was bought in 1892 by statesman Niko- la Pašić. According to the records of chroniclers, the hotel initially offered its guests carriages with attendants when it first started operating, and it even hosted cinematic screenings prior to the outbreak of World War I. The history of the operations of the Hotel Nacional came to an end in 1929, when it was leased by the Serbian Orthodox Church as a res- idence and working building of the Patriarchate. The building of Hotel Nacional was reclassified as a cultural asset of the City of Belgrade in 1984. THE HOUSE OF MIKA ALAS The house at 22 Kosančićev Venac has the most beautiful views in Belgrade, thanks to the slope in front of its entrance allowing you to see the River Sava as though it’s right on the palm of your hand, while a stunning view of the confluence of the Sava and Danube extends from the balcony. This house was the home and workplace of Mihailo Petrović Alas, one of Serbia’s most important mathematicians and in- novators. This famous scientist, who was affectionately referred to as Mi-
HOTEL NACIONAL Fasada hotela, uz Parisku uli- cu i Velike stepenice, nosi duh aka- demizma, a neorenesansu u obra- di detalja Beograd se 1867. godine osloba- đa turske vlasti. U to vreme, na gra- ničnom prostoru između tvrđave i varoši, počinju da se grade i otvara- ju kalemegdanski hoteli. Jedan od njih je hotel Nacional , koji niče na
Porodična kuća na Kosančićevom vencu uvek je bila znak finansijske moći Having a family home in Kosančićev Venac has always signified financial might
mestu stare mehane. U hotelu je, posle razvoda, živeo čuveni književ- nik Milovan Glišić, a 1892. kupuje ga državnik Nikola Pašić. Hroniča- ri beleže da je na početku rada ho- tel svojim gostima nudio fijakere sa poslugom, a da su pred Prvi svetski rat u njemu prikazivane bioskopske predstave. Istorija rada hotela Na- cional završava se 1929. godine ka- da ga zakupljuje Srpska pravoslavna
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