THE SERBIAN NATIONAL AIRLINE IS CONTINUING the strong expansion of its network with the launch of dire- ct scheduled flights from Belgrade to two destinations in Germany: Hanover, as of 3 rd June; and Nuremberg as of 6 th June. Meanwhile, flights to Salzburg are scheduled to commence on 7 th June. The announced network expansion means that Serbia’s national airline will operate flights to as many as eight destinations in Germany (Berlin, Frankfurt, Stutt- gart, Düsseldorf, Nuremberg and Hanover from Belgra- de; and Frankfurt-Hahn and Cologne from Niš), thus making it the country with the most Air Serbia destina- tions. “By launching routes to Hanover and Nuremberg, Air Serbia will further strengthen its position in Germany, increase its country coverage and complement the airli- ne’s pre-existing services. On the other hand, the intro- duction of flights to Salzburg confirms our commitment to improve connectivity between Serbia and Austria,” said Air Serbia Head of Network Planning and Schedu- ling Bojan Aranđelović. The Serbian national airline will operate flights between Belgrade and Hanover three times a week du- ring the summer season, and twice a week during the winter season. Air Serbia flights to Nuremberg will ope- rate twice a week year-round. Air Serbia will operate fli- ghts to Salzburg, representing its second destination in Austria, three times a week during the summer season and twice a week during winter.
SRPSKA NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA NA- STAVLJA SA SNAŽNOM ekspanzijom uspostavlja- njem direktnih redovnih letova iz Beograda ka dve destinacije u Nemačkoj – Hanoveru od 3. juna i Nir- nbergu od 6. juna, kao i letova ka Salcburgu u Au- striji od 7. juna. Uz najavljeno proširenje mreže, srpski nacional- ni avio-prevoznik saobraćaće do čak osam desti- nacija u Nemačkoj – Berlina, Frankfurta, Štutgarta, Diseldorfa, Nirnberga i Hanovera iz Beograda, kao i Frankfurt-Hana i Kelna iz Niša, čime ta država po- staje tržište sa najvećim brojem destinacija Er Sr- bije. – Uspostavljanjem linija ka Hanoveru i Nirnber- gu, Er Srbija ce dodatno ojačati svoju poziciju u Ne- mačkoj, povećati prisustvo u toj zemlji i dopuniti postojeću uslugu. S druge strane, uvođenje leto- va za Salcburg potvrđuje našu posvećenost jačanju vazdušne veze između Srbije i Austrije – izjavio je Bojan Aranđelović, viši menadžer za planiranje i op- timizaciju reda letenja u Er Srbiji. Srpski nacionalni avio-prevoznik će između Be- ograda i Hanovera saobraćati tri puta nedeljno to- kom letnje sezone i dva puta nedeljno po zimskom redu letenja. Letovi Er Srbije do Nirnberga će se obavljati dva puta nedeljno tokom cele godine. Do Salcburga, svoje druge destinacije u Austriji, Er Sr- bija će saobraćati tri puta nedeljno tokom leta, od- nosno dva puta nedeljno tokom zime.
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