Elevate March 2022 | Air Serbia


Ima mnogo većih planinskih masiva u Srbiji i svakako popularnijih zimskih destinacija, ali oni koji tokom vikenda traže bekstvo iz Beograda u planinsku idilu naći će je i mnogo bliže srpske prestonice Serbia has many larger mountain massifs than these, and certainly more popular winter destinations, but those seeking to escape Belgrade and flee to an idyllic mountain during the weekend will also be able to find such spots much closer to the Serbian capital

57 km od Beograda uživaćete u zelenilu Kosmaja from Belgrade you will enjoy the greenery of Kosmaj

Kosmaj Kosmaj je jedna od najpitomijih i naj- lepših planina, visok je 626 meta- ra, a nalazi se na oko 50 kilometa- ra od Beograda. Naziv Kosmaj nastao je od keltske reči cos (šuma) i prain- doevropske reči maj (planina), a Ri- mljani su ga prilagodili mitologiji na- zivajući ga Casa Maiac ili stanište boginje Maje. Simbol Kosmaja je spo- menik podignut borcima palim u Dru- gom svetskom ratu. Ipak, najvrednije što Kosmaj nudi je uživanje u netaknu- toj prirodi, a prema podacima Ekološ- kog društva Kosmaj, na planini postoji 95 izvora pitke vode, 551 vrsta biljaka i čak 300 vrsta gljiva. KOSMAJ Kosmaj is one of Serbia's tamest and most beautiful mountains. Reaching a height of 626m/asl, it is located around 50km from Belgrade. The name Kosmaj is derived from the Celtic word “cos” (woods) and the Proto-Indo-European word “maj” (mountain), while the Romans

adapted it to mythology by giving it the meaning “Casa Maias” - house of Maia, the goddess of spring. The symbol of Kosmaj is a monument erected to soldiers who fell in World War II. However, Kosmaj's most valuable element is its offer of enjoyment in pristine nature, with the Kosmaj Ecological Society claiming that 95 drinking water springs exist on the mountain, as well as 551 species of plants and as many as 300 species of fungi.

72 | Beograd » Belgrade

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