Vranjska Banja
Lek je u vodi Gde se u Evropi nalazi banja sa najtoplijom vodom? Na ovo pitanje većina bi odgovorila – verovatno u Turskoj, Mađarskoj... A pravi odgovor je Srbija! Kada su u pitanju geotermalne vode, naša zemlja zauzima prvo mesto u Evropi, i to zahvaljujući Vranjskoj Banji. Simbol Vranjske Banje je lekovita voda koja dostiže temperaturu i do 110 °C, izuzetno je bogata sumporom i pomaže u lečenju svih oblika reumatizma, neuroloških oboljenja, post- traumatskih stanja, bolesti organa za varenje, ginekoloških i kožnih oboljenja. Vranjska Banja nalazi se na jugu Srbije, u Pčinjskom okrugu, na svega 12 kilometara od Vranja. Nažalost, postojeći objekti su vremenom dotrajali, u Banju se godinama nije ulagalo, pa je i posećenost ovom zdravstvenom centru drastično opala. Sada je situacija drugačija, gradi se zahvaljujući ulaganjima Millennium Resorta .
Where is the spa with the warmest water in Europe? Most people would answer this question by saying that it’s probably in Turkey, Hungary etc. But the correct answer is Serbia! healing Waters When it comes to geothermal waters, our country ta- kes the top spot in Europe, and that’s thanks to Vranj- ska Banja. Vranjska Banja is symbolised by its healing waters, whi- ch reach temperatures of up to 110°C, they are extre- mely sulphur rich and help in the treatment of all forms of rheumatism, neurological diseases, post-traumatic conditions, digestive disorders, gynaecological issues and dermatological diseases. Vranjska Banja is a spa town located in the Pčinja District of Southern Serbia, just 12 kilometres from the city of Vranje. The existing facilities have unfortunately become dilapidated, due to the lack of any investment in the spa over many years leading to a dramatic fall in the number of visitors to this health centre. Now, the situation has changed and it is being built thanks to the investments of Millennium Resort.
Vranjska Banja Resort is the largest ongoing project in Southern Serbia
VRANJSKA BANJA RESORT najveći aktuelni projekat na jugu Srbije Osim hotela Westin i Autograph Collection , koji pripadaju ame- ričkom hotelskom lancu Marriott , kompanija Millennium Resort izgradiće u Vranjskoj Banji vile, bungalove i medicinski centar Sofka . Ukupna vrednost investicije je 90 miliona evra, a plan je da sve bude završeno do 2026. godine.
Apart from the Westin and Autograph Collection hotels, both of which belong to the Marriott International global hotel chain, company Millennium Resort is also set to construct villas, cha- lets and the Sofka Medical Centre in Vranjska Banja. The invest- ment has a total value of 90 million euros, while plans envisage everything being completed by 2026.
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