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GREGG CHAMBERLAIN gregg.chamberlain@eap.on.ca
five-year and 10-year plans for Alfred-Plan- UBHFOFUTOFUXPSLPGSPBETJGIFJTSFFMFDUFE )FOPUFEUIBUPUIFSNVOJDJQBMJUJFTIBWFMPOH term plans for scheduling road improvements and the township should have one also. 8BMLFSOPUFEUIBUUIFUPXOTIJQOPXIBTB forest cover bylaw that will help protect local XFUMBOET)FXPVMEMJLFUPTFFUIBUCZMBX revised and expanded to apply to the entire NVOJDJQBMJUZBTQBSUPG"MGSFE1MBOUBHFOFUT
environmental planning. )FBMTPXBOUTUPTFFUIFQSFTFOUVTFS SBUFTTZTUFNGPSUIFUPXOTIJQTXBUFSBOE sewer system reviewed and revised. «It should all be equalized,» he said, adding that Alfred ratepayers have the lowest water fees in the township while Plantagenet rate- payers have the highest, with ratepayers JO8FOEPWFS 5SFBEXFMM -FGBJWSFBOEPUIFS villages falling in between.
The environment is one of key planks in Ian Walker’s campaign for reelection to Alfred-Plantagenet Township council. “A lot of people tell me the municipality OFFETUPCFNPSFQSPHSFTTJWF uTBJE8BMLFS commenting on results of his door-to-door campaigning. 8BMLFSTFFLTUPSFUBJOIJTQPTJUJPOBT POFPGUXPDPVODJMMPSTGPS8BSE)FOPUFE UIBUIJTQBTUGPVSZFBSTBTBàSTUUJNFSPPLJF councillor were a learning experience about IPXUIFNVOJDJQBMJUZGVODUJPOT/PXIFXBOUT to put that experience to use as part of the new council after the October municipal election. «I see a lot of changes that could be NBEF vIFTBJE jIPXXFDPVMENBLFUIF municipality more useful to the people.» 1BSUPGUIFQSPHSFTTJWFDIBOHF8BMLFS wants to see during the new four years JODMVEFTDMPTFSDPPQFSBUJPOBOEUFBNXPSL both among members of the new council and between council and municipal staff. One issue that needs addressing, he noted, is the municipal landfill. «There are many issues there,» he said, including better management of the site, and construction of «a proper road» around the site to provide a better buffer zone between the landfill and surrounding neighbhourhoods. 8BMLFSBMTPOPUFEUIBUUIFSFBSFUISFF former wells at the landfill site that need
to be repaired and then capped for proper EFDPNNJTTJPOJOH1SPQFSNBSLJOHPGUIF old well sites is also necessary to prevent any future damage to them from landfill PQFSBUJPOTBOEQSFWFOUBOZSJTLUPUIFBSFB groundwater system. j8IFO*NHPJOHEPPSUPEPPS QFPQMF also say the biggest thing they want is their (neighbourhood) road improved,» said 8BMLFSLj5IFSFJTOPSFBTPOXFTIPVMEOPU have a long-term plan for our roads.» 8BMLFSQSPNJTFEUPMPCCZGPSDSFBUJPOPG L’environnement, l’égalisation des tarifs de l’eau et un plan à long terme pour la gestion et l’amélioration des routes municipales sont quelques-unes des questions clés pour Ian Walker dans sa tentative de réélection en tant que représentant du quartier 2 au conseil municipal d’Alfred-Plantagenet. —photo fournie
CHRISTOPHER SMITH christopher.smith@eap.on.ca
specific resources and professional deve- lopment opportunities were also distributed to teachers.” Students across the board made posters, videos, and murals to honour the commemo- ration, and teachers held class discussions and did readings of Indigenous literature. Staff and students were invited to wear orange shirts to show their commitment, and high school students listened to the TUPSJFTPG&MEFSTGSPNUIFMPDBM"LXFTBTOF community. i8FBQQSFDJBUFZPVCFJOHIFSFUPEBZUP share all of these initiatives and student MFBSOJOH GBDJMJUBUFECZUIFXPSLCFJOHEPOF by your department, and through our board QBSUOFSTIJQT5IBOLZPVTPNVDIGPSBO outstanding presentation,” said Vice-Chair 4VF8JMTPO
Schools across the board wore orange and learned about Indigenous culture. On the eighth Orange Shirt Day and the second annual Day of Truth and Reconci- liation September 30, the Catholic District 4DIPPM#PBSEPG&BTUFSO0OUBSJP $%4#&0 started students on building awareness and understanding of Canadian history through 'JSTU/BUJPOT .ÊUJT BOE*OVJUQFSTQFDUJWFT i8IJMFSFDPODJMJBUJPODBMMTVTUPUFBDI our students about the traumatic history of Indigenous colonization, we wanted to reassure parents that such learning would be age-appropriate and sensitive to the indivi- dual needs of our students,” said Indigenous $POTVMUBOU.FMJTTB.BEFS5BSEJGi(SBEF
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