Orthosports: Neck Pain & Stress

FOCUS ON NECK PAIN TO RELIEVE HEADACHES The neck can be a hidden and debilitating source of headaches. Very often neck pain and headaches go hand-in-hand, leading to a miserable time coping with everyday activities. According to the National Institute of Health Statistics neck pain and headaches are the second most common form of pain experienced by Americans, with 59% reporting it affected their enjoyment of life. Some headaches are often grouped under the term “cervicogenic headache” meaning that the primary source is from the neck.

There are well mapped out patterns of headaches that come from the different parts of the neck, shoulder and upper back areas. The discs between your bones (vertebrae) and joints in the upper neck often contribute to headaches. Even headaches located in the forehead or behind the eyes are often referred pains stemming from problem areas in the neck and base of the skull. The joints connecting the top three vertebral levels of the neck handle almost 50% of the total motion of the entire neck. This means they absorb a lot of repetitive strain.These joints bear the main load of the weight of the head (about that of a bowling ball). With fatigue, poor posture, injuries, disc problems, arthritis, muscular stress and even prior surgeries, the wear and tear on this critical region of your body can prove too much, resulting in pain. It is also possible that you may develop a narrowing of the spinal canal itself. Since the spinal cord runs through the spine, a narrowing of the canal or where the nerves exit, can lead to a condition called spinal stenosis.

Workou HALF t Time!

UNDERWATER TREADMILL SYST HYDROTHERAPY & FITNESS physical therapists have years of experience helping people with neck pain and headaches. By finding the root cause of your neck pain and headaches we can relieve your pain quickly, reduce the need for medication and get you back to the activities you enjoy. Discover how our team of specialists at OrthoSports Physical Therapy can eliminate your neck pain and headaches allowing you to live a happy, active and pain-free life. Call today for more details! Call us today at Amherst: (716) 839-3705 or Clarence: (716) 634-1578 to schedule an appointment! There is much that can be done to treat neck pain and headaches. Our expert


Turn a one hour workout into 20 minutes, with better results and less strain on joints and muscles. COMING IN APRIL: UNDERWATER TREADMILL SYSTEM

TREATMENT BENEFITS: • Higher outcomes with workouts in half the time as land based workouts • Effective exercise for fitness, training and conditioning •Adjustablewaterdepths forcontrolledweight- bearing exercises with less impact and stress on joints

• Adjustable treadmill speeds allow for more rigorous workouts • Larger tank and doorway makes it ideal for athletes and bariatric patients • Provides resistance throughout the range of motion with 360° of resistance for all movements, providing a closed chain, hydrokinetic exercise

Hudson Aquatic Systems developed AquaFit and AquaFit Plus for multiple industries. The exercise chamber gives additional privacy, and the larger track and adjustable touchscreen allow for customizable fitness needs. The AquaFit and AquaFit Plus are exceptional tools that utilize the benefits of exercising in water offering lower impact with higher outcomes in half the time of land based workouts.


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