Parent handbook 2020.2021

- Parents are expected to monitor events occurring away from school to ensure the well-being of all participants. This policy includes behavior at Bar/Bat Mitzvah services and parties.

Technology Misconduct -

Any type of communication that results in distraction/disruption in the school environment, even if the communication originally occurred off campus and/or not during school hours, will result in a school consequence. - This policy includes, but is not limited to, online communities such as Facebook and YouTube. - This policy includes email, cell phones, cyber-bullying, texting or any other technology misconduct. Discrimination, Harassment, Bullying, Cyber-bullying and Intimidation Policy Levine Academy has unreserved respect for individual differences and we recognize that our community is enriched by its diversity. Students have a right to learn in an environment free from discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying or menacing. - Harassment is defined as any behavior that stigmatizes, intimidates, victimizes or threatens another person for any reason. - Discrimination is defined as treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person based on the group, class or category in which that person belongs rather than on individual merit. - Bullying is defined as intimidation. - Cyber-bullying is defined as bullying, harassment and/or intimidation with information and communication technologies, including, but not limited to, email, social media networking and cell phones. If a student feels s/he is a victim of discrimination, harassment, bullying, cyber-bullying, intimidation or menacing, s/he should talk immediately with a teacher, advisor, counselor, Principal or the Head of School. The student should speak with whomever he or she feels most comfortable. If the student does not feel comfortable talking with any of the above alone, s/he should bring a friend or write a note. Levine Academy encourages the student to talk with a parent or other adult whom s/he trusts so the parent or other adult can also provide assistance. Upon receipt of such complaint, the counselor, principal or head of school will investigate the complaint completely and, when appropriate, will take action based on the circumstances. Action may include education, counseling, suspension or dismissal. To the extent possible and allowed by law, Levine Academy will maintain confidentiality within the confines of the investigation of the alleged prohibited behavior. All parties are treated with dignity and Levine Academy will not retaliate against anyone for making a report or serving as a witness. Progress Reports/Report Cards - Commentary regarding student progress is written at the end of every trimester in the form of a report card. - Progress reports may be written at mid-trimester or at any time a concern arises regarding a student. Conferences - Parent/Teacher conferences are scheduled at the end of the first two trimesters. - Childcare is provided by specialty teachers on the scheduled conference days: reservations must be made in advance. - Additionally, parents, teachers or administrators may schedule conferences any time a concern arises regarding a student. - Learning specialists, tutors, therapists or any other individual involved with the student may be asked to join a conference. - Middle School students are asked to attend the scheduled parent/teacher conferences. Middle School families will be conferencing with the student’s advisor.


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