BUS 263 The Legal and Social Environment of Business, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course provides an overview of the legal and social environment for business operations. Topics include the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, court systems, alternative dispute resolution, civil and criminal law, administrative agencies, contracts, employment law, property interests and rights, and intellectual property, business organization and ethics. CODE B (3-0-0) This is an introductory study of basic statistical concepts applied to economic and business problems. Topics include the collection, classification, and presentation of data; statistical description and analysis of data; measures of central tendency and dispersion; probability; discrete and continuous probability distributions; sampling; interval estimation; and introduction to hypothesis testing. CODE B BUS 271 Business Statistics I, 3 hours

BUS 272 Business Statistics II, 3 hours


Prerequisite: BUS 271 This course is a continuation of BUS 271. Topics include hypothesis testing; inferences about populations means, proportions, and variances; simple linear regression and correlation; multiple regression; chi-square tests; and analysis of variance. CODE B (3-0-0) This course provides a basic study of the principles of management. Topics include planning, organizing, leading, and controlling with emphasis on practical business applications. CODE B BUS 275 Principles of Management, 3 hours BUS 285 Principles of Marketing, 3 hours (3-0-0) This course provides a general overview of the field of marketing. Topics include marketing strategies, channels of distribution, marketing research, and consumer behavior. CODE B (3-0-0) This course is a part of a series of workshops where in current topics of interest are presented. They are offered upon demand and can be tailored for the needs of individuals, business and industry. CODE C BUS 291 Business CO-OP I, 1-3 hours BUS 292 Business CO-OP II, 1-3 hours (3-0-0) This course is a part of a series of workshops where in current topics of interest are presented. They are offered upon demand and can be tailored for the needs of individuals, business, and industry. CODE C

BUS 298 Directed Studies I, 2 hours


Prerequisite: As requited by program. This course offers independent study under faculty supervision. Emphasis is placed on subject relevancy and student interest and need. CODE C


2022-23 College Catalog and Student Handbook

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