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Ne manquez pas notre tournoi de golf le 26 mai Renseignements :

Mayor rushes sign off on protest letters


Area peat bog, classed as a “significant natural feature” for plant and wildlife. A major concern of CESA-EO is the potential for pollution of surface and ground watersourcesiftheproposedrecyclingplant’s leachate protection measures fail. Most landowners in the area, including Versteeg Dairy, have shallow-dug wells which could suffer contamination. Baker alsonoted the air pollution potential is a serious concern given that the prevailing wind blows towards the Village of Vars and North Russell. “One of my biggest concerns is if we ever have a fire there,” he said, adding that such a situation could require amass evacuation of the surrounding area until the fire was contained and extinguished.That evacuation wouldincludetheindustrial-commercialpark located between Russell and Vars. Other concerns are the amount of traffic congestion that would result if the plant was in operation with freight trucks going in and out of the site throughout the day, and also that the company has not provided specific details on whether it plans to treat leachate from the recycling operation on-site or have thematerial shippedelsewhere for treatment. Baker emphasized that Russell Township needs to make sure the City of Ottawa is aware of the municipality’s concerns since the project would be located withinOttawa’s eastern rural sector. “We would like our township to speak to theCityofOttawa,”Baker said. “It’sourpeople who are going to be affected. It’s our people who are going to be inconvenienced. It’s our people who are going to be complaining.” MayorLerouxagreedtoCESA-EO’srequest for letters pressing the ministry for an environmental tribunal on theproject; asking for a meeting with City of Ottawa officials; and demanding a representative for Russell Township on a public liaison committee that Ottawa set up to handle the recycling project issue.


Mayor Pierre Leroux promised himself a busy Tuesday morning writing letters. He wants to make sure the provincial government knows Russell Township’s concerns about a proposed commercial recycling project. “If council agrees, I’ll have themwritten tomorrow morning,” Mayor Leroux said during the May 2 nd session of council. The mayor’s promise was in response to a presentation fromHarry Baker, president of the Citizens’ Environmental Stewardship Association-East of Ottawa (CESA-EO), on how a proposed recycling plant project could affect Russell Township residents. Ottawa-based Taggart Miller’s proposal is at the provincial government review stage and Baker noted there is aMay 20 deadline to file concerns with theMinistry of Environment. The ministry review could result in approval of the project or turn the matter over to an environmental tribunal for a final review and ruling.The tribunal acts with the same authority as the Ontario Municipal Board when it decides on land planning issues. “We’re hoping he (environment minister) will send it to the environmental tribunal,” said Baker, adding that the tribunal would then set up a hearing within Russell County, which would make it more convenient for local residents to air their concerns. Baker reviewed his group’s main concerns about the project now proposed for a site on Boundary Road, located on the eastern fringe of the City of Ottawa’s rural sector. Baker noted that this location is close to the western border of Russell Township and includes the Bearbrook Creek watershed, considered part of a recognized wetland area that features the Mer Bleue Conservation

La présidente de la Chambre de commerce de Prescott-Russell, Julie Brisson (au centre) est fière d’accueillir Luc et Maxime Drouin de Drouin Créations en tant que nouveaux membres. Drouin Créations est une entreprise qui compte plus de 17 années d’expérience dans le domaine d’objets et de vêtements promotionnels. Grâce à Maxime Drouin, qui a récemment grossi les rangs de l’équipe, Drouin Créations offre maintenant la conception de bannières ainsi que du lettrage sur des véhicules publicitaires. Désormais, l’entreprise offre une vaste sélection de choix en matière d’articles publicitaires pour les entreprises en plus d’offrir des services de broderie, d’impression, des enseignes, des bannières, des autocollants et de l’habillage (wrap) de véhicules. Tout est fabriqué sur place à l’atelier de l’entreprise, qui est situé au 568, route 600 Ouest, à Casselman. Drouin Créations prend le temps de conseiller ses clients sur les choix et la qualité de ses produits. Pour de plus amples renseignements : 613-223-9419.

Ikram Diplômée Techniques des systèmes informatiques

Comptoir de produits locaux à St-Albert





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Le Réseau Agroalimentaire de l’Est ontarien a dévoilé, le jeudi 28 avril dernier, le troisième comptoir de produits locaux de Prescott-Russell, cette fois à la Fromagerie de St-Albert. À la suite du succès des comptoirs deMetro Casselman et L’Orignal Packing, l’ouverture d’un comptoir à Saint-Albert démontre l’engouement des consommateurs envers les produits locaux. Il sera possible, au nouveau comptoir, de se procurer des aliments de nouveaux producteurs, dont la Ferme Kiefro, La bergerie des sables ainsi que Jambel. De plus, des produits locaux congelés seront aussi disponibles, une nouveauté. —photo Danic Legault

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