In-House, NVLAP Accredited Geotechnical Laboratories
Construction Phase Services
Construction Phase Testing and Inspection services ensure that a project is being constructed using the correct materials, and employing proper workmanship, while managing change orders. Whitestone’s staff understand both construction materials and processes and are supported by Whitestone’s in-house, National Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program (NVLAP) accredited laboratories. ▪ Special Inspections (Statement of Special Inspection Preparation, Special Inspection Program Coordination, Construction and Fabrication) ▪ Earthwork, Density Testing, Proofroll Monitoring, Demolition and Pad Preparation Monitoring ▪ Shallow, Intermediate, and Deep Pile Foundation Inspections ▪ Ground Improvement Monitoring and Field Verification ▪ Lateral Earth Support and Support of Excavation (SOE) Design and Inspection ▪ Building Pad Certification Testing ▪ Cast-in-Place and Precast Concrete ▪ Masonry ▪ Reinforcing Steel ▪ Structural and Cold-Formed Steel ▪ Wood Framing ▪ Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) ▪ Spray-Applied and Intumescent Fireproofing and Firestopping ▪ Roofing Systems ▪ Asphalt and Concrete Pavement and Core Sampling ▪ Floor Flatness ▪ Windsor Probe and Rebound Hammer ▪ Batch Plant and Fabricator Shop Inspections ▪ Non-Destructive and Forensic Testing ▪ Laboratory Analyses ✓ Moisture-Density Proctor Testing ✓ Sieve Analyses ✓ Hydrometer Analyses ✓ Moisture Content ✓ Atterberg Limits ✓ LA Abrasion ✓ Slake Durability ✓ Specific Gravity ✓ Organic Content ✓ Bulk Density ✓ Unconfined Compressive Strength Testing of ✓ Asphalt Extraction Grout/Masonry/Prisms/Masonry Units
Property Condition Assessment Services A Property Condition Assessment (PCA) evaluates the existing condition of site buildings and the subject property to identify deferred maintenance items, assess anticipated repair costs, and assist with purchase price or refinancing negotiations. Whitestone’s various lev els of PCA services range from desktop surveys to property condition reports in accordance with ASTM E2018. Ancillary services often conducted concurrently with the PCA include Hazardous Building Material Surveys and Existing Pavement and Retaining Wall Evaluations ▪ Building systems review (including heating, ventilation and air conditioning [HVAC], vertical transportation, plumbing, electrical, fire protection and life safety); management, maintenance, and equipment contract service provider staff interviews; and as-built plans and maintenance records review. ▪ Structural elements evaluation (including foundations, roofing, interior and exterior superstructure, interior finishes, drainage systems, retaining walls and sanitary waste management systems). ▪ Building systems condition, life expectancy, and estimated repair/replacement budget preparation (including roof, EIFS, electrical, plumbing, HVAC, interior/exterior walls, floors, windows, and site features such as pavements, retaining walls, exterior lighting and landscaping).
▪ Life-cycle oriented repair assessment, maintenance and replacement recommendations.
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