Movers & Shakers
ALBERTA HYDROGEOLOGICAL COMPANY LOGS 50 YEARS OF EXCELLENCE Its beginnings in 1969 were humble but ambitious: a husband-and-wife team consulting from their basement. That team became Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd. (HCL), succeeding in a field that would gather more and more importance in Alberta and the world. In March, the company turned 50 and now represents a high level of groundwater and surface-water expertise. The HCL founders themselves, Roger Clissold, P.Geol. , and his wife, Midge, remain passionate about and active in the business, joined by their daughter, son-in-law (now company president), a team that includes professionals in hydrogeology, environmental technology, and engineering technology, and dedicated support staff. HCL continues to strive for excellence and innovation in remote data acquisition, groundwater monitoring, and information management. Its main objective exemplifies the role of APEGA members and permit holders in serving the public interest: better understanding and management of the world's most precious resource.
photos courtesy Hydrogeological Consultants
TIME MACHINE From a basement business to an office of many, Hydrogeological Consultants Ltd. has offered groundwater and surface-water solutions for 50 years. Above is company co-founder Roger Clissold, P.Geol., during HCL’s first years of business in the 1970s. Top left is the office front, circa—take a guess, based on the cars.
HCL offers services that include:
• corporate water management • groundwater exploration and licensing • groundwater and surface water monitoring • oilfield, municipal, and agricultural services • complaint investigation • expert witnessing • environmental assessment • compliance monitoring
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