Exceptional Smiles @ Landerbrook



(440) 483-1003

I N S I D E 5825 Landerbrook Drive, Suite 124 Mayfield Heights, OH 44124

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The Best Memories We Forget Teaching Kids the Power of Voting Our Patients Say It Best Are Your Teeth Running Out of Time? Green Beans With Ginger and Garlic From Burning Rivers to a National Park

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of Beaver Marsh. By the 1970s, the area had become a junkyard. In 1984, the Portage Trail Group of the Sierra Club, along with the National Park Service, organized a site clean-up. After humans hauled away car parts, bed springs, and accumulated trash, beavers, which had been absent from Ohio for over a century, returned to the valley. When the beavers built their dams, they restored natural water levels and revived the wetlands. When we work together, we can save our natural environment from the brink of destruction, and CVNP is proof of that. Today, Beaver Marsh is teeming with life, families gather on Cuyahoga River every year, and countless couples have taken engagement photos in front of Brandywine Falls. Thousands of different plant and animal species call the park home, and there is natural beauty to be found all year long. Winter is fast approaching, but there will still be a few nice fall days before the month is over. Cuyahoga Valley National Park is the perfect place to spend those days enjoying nature that has been protected and preserved for future generations to appreciate.

Save the World Cuyahoga Valley National Park’s Story of Recovery

On June 22, 1969, the Cuyahoga River caught fire. It was not the first time the river burned; there were at least 10 recorded fires over the previous century. The 1969 fire was also not the largest fire on the Cuyahoga River, but it was the last time the river ever burned. Five years later, in 1974, Cuyahoga Valley National Park (CVNP)

was established and played a part in restoring the river and protecting the area.

The Cuyahoga River isn’t the only place in CVNP that was rescued from environmental destruction. Over the course of the 19th century, land development drained the original wetlands


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