King's Business - 1953-04

Church, or for the Church at all, other than the resurrection of Jesus Christ? Why do we worship on Sun­ day; from whence comes Easter; in­ deed, from whence the doctrine of the resurrection at all if Christ be not raised? These are effects which demand a cause, and find no ade­ quate cause or any cause if Christ did not rise bodily from out of the tomb. From whence the blessed re­ sults of Christianity to the nations down through the centuries if it is merely another human religion, based upon hideous deception, or at best, upon the wishful thinking of misguided fanatics? Therefore, we repeat, the resurrection stands sub­ stantiated at the vital heart of the Christian faith. Luke wrote in Acts 1:3 of Christ, who “ showed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs.” Some of these proofs have been re­ viewed briefly, that we who believe may rejoice in the assurance of a resurrected, victorious Lord, and in order that we may not lose sight of the true Easter message in the midst of the fashions and festivities of the approaching season. In it all, the most convincing proof for Christ’s victory over death and the grave will be the transforming, satisfying experience of men and women who know experi­ mentally the power of the resurrected Christ: You ask me how I know He lives? He lives — within my heart!

and in great detail had prophesied His resurrection. In type (Jonah 1:17; Matt. 12:40) and in direct statement (Psalm 16:10) the Old Testament had foretold the resurrec­ tion of the Servant of Jehovah. The undisturbed grave clothes witnessed persuasively that the body once en­ closed was now risen incorruptible in triumph over the tomb (John 20:3-8). The resurrected Christ was seen, was felt, partook of food, and

INFALLIBLE PROOFS from p. 46 again to be seen. The Gospels record at least ten different occasions on which Christ appeared. These were daylight appearances, not ghostly midnight visitations. The men who saw and believed were hard-headed fishermen, not self-deluded mystics. The testimony rests not upon the words of one or two, for above five hundred brethren saw Him at once upon a mountain in Galilee. One may see a vision; two may by chance share a hallucination, but for five hundred to be thus deceived is to stretch the law of probability far be­ yond the breaking point. The tes­ timony of these men stands firm, and doubly so when one recalls the three requirements which make a testi­ mony trustworthy: the witnesses must be competent, preferably eye­ witnesses; they must be sufficient in number; and they must be of good reputation. Such was the character of the men who witnessed to their resurrected Lord, and so sure was their conviction that the majority of them sealed their witness by suffer­ ing and by their blood. There are many additional wit­ nesses to the truth of the resurrec­ tion of Christ, all of which have been developed elsewhere at length but here can receive only briefest mention. In His earthly life, Christ had clearly claimed and evidenced His power over death. Time and again, He had predicted His death SHELTON COLLEGE PURCHASES 1187 ACRE COUNTRY ESTATE In June, Shelton College will move to their new campus— an 1187 acre estate located in the JRamapo Mountains, one hour’s drive from New York City. President Buswell termed this new location as "th e most beautiful campus you’ve ever seen.” A total of 91 buildings are well situated among a rolling tract of botanical gar­ dens, lawns, orchards, forest lakes and meadows. The new campus will be ready for occupancy in September. New students will be given a special Charter Member Certificate to signify that they attended the first semester at the new location.

How rare it is to find a soul quiet enough to hear God speak.

in other ways confirmed His bodily presence with the disciples for the space of forty days. The resurrec­ tion alone is adequate explanation for the transformed disciples, Peter himself — once cringing and cursing because of the twittings of a maiden — now standing before all Israel ac­ cusing them of the death of his Lord. What other explanation for the transformation of the persecutor, Saul, to the prince of preachers, the Apostle Paul, other than his own ex­ planation. He claimed he had met the Lord; his life and subsequent testimony substantiated that claim. What other explanation for the early

Plan now to attend

¿§hettonCollege SHELTON COLLEGE offers you an education based upon the American Way o f Life and founded upon the Bible as the infallible Word o f God. Our new location will be Ringwoodboro, New Jersey, where a magnificent new campus in the Ramapo Mountains will be ready for use in September.

1 Ü »in

Each student who enrolls in the Sep­ tember ’53 semester w ill receive a Charter Member Certificate

Send for your cata­ log today for regis­ tration information Shelton (¡Tollege 34 0 W EST 55TH STREET, N EW YO R K 19 (until June 20, 1953) Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, Jr., President Training Christian Warriors for the Twentieth Century Reformation

The completely furnished mansion of 44 rooms will serve as Shelton College ’.


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