
14B — June 14 - 27, 2013 — New Jersey — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


N ew J ersey


OBOKEN, NJ i s kn own f o r ma n y things. As the birth- H Hoboken gaining momentum as a technology hub City provides entrepreneurs with the tools for success

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place of baseball and Frank Sinatra, it is rich in history, culture and home to an eclectic restaurant scene. Today, this one-square-mile city also is emerging as a thriving technol- ogy community. While California’s famed Sili- con Valley, New York City and Boston widely are considered to be epicenters of technology, Hoboken also has steadily been earning respect as a veritable tech hub in its own right. Co- working spaces, meetup events, proximity to Manhattan and other local resources are trans-

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Mission 50 communal area

forming this Hudson County city into a place where growing startups and savvy entrepre- neurs can successfully build

companies. “There are a lot of young, innovative people in Hoboken. The city’s location just across the Hudson River from New York City makes it attractive for tech-savvy individuals who are eager to build new busi- nesses. Entrepreneurs can set up shop in Hoboken and benefit from the city’s affordability and many wonderful assets while remaining accessible to the financial centers of Manhat- tan,” said Greg Dell’Aquila , co-founder of Mission 50 Work- spaces, Hoboken’s shared office environment. The growth of new technolo- gies such as smart phones, tablets and personal wireless hot spots has made it possible for people to conduct work from virtually anywhere. This mobile workforce understands that a NewYork City, Boston or Silicon Valley address no longer is nec- essary to achieve tech success, said Price. “There are many ways to conduct business today, especially for tech firms that can work remotely from just about anywhere. It doesn’t require a lot of resources to build a tech startup. Someone can launch a company in Hoboken for less money compared to New York City and still remain connected to clients and employees in oth- er cities or around the world,” added Price. In a post-recession environ- ment where fledgling startups have become more cost-con- scious, shared work spaces provide an affordable, effective solution. Price said the col- laborative space of Mission 50 already has successfully helped many local entrepreneurs start their businesses – and could lead to more startups coming to the area. Located in the pent- house of the 80,000 s/f, multi- tenanted Hoboken Business Center, Mission 50 is centered on a community of like-minded, independent professionals. n

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