
16C — June 14 - 27, 2013 — Pennsylvania — Mid Atlantic Real Estate Journal


P eople on the M ove

At March of Dimes Walk at Dorney Park NAI Summit wins first place in t-shirt contest

An 18 year veteran of the firm WarfelConstructionnames Hartzler president

Warfel Construction Com- pany announced that Mat- thew B. Hartzler, LEED

According to Carolyn Stan- worth , president and CEO, “Their past contributions, ded- ication to BL Companies and demonstrated ability to posi- tively influence the perfor- mance of the Company as a whole, and over the long-term, have earned them this oppor- tunity.” The Principal Program was approved as part of the ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) implementation in 2006 as an incentive program for people who have the prov- en ability - and the responsibil- ity - to have a broader impact on the success of the entire company for the benefit of all employee owners. n A resident of Manheim, Hartzler graduated fromPenn State University with a BS degree in Structural Design and Construction Engineer- ing Technology. He is LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) ac- credited. Ralph E. Simp- son Jr. , formerly president and chief executive officer of Warfel, will continue as CEO. n nizations including the Men- nonite Economic Development Association and the Keystone Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors. He serves on the property committee of Water Street Ministries, and was recently appointed to the Board of Directors for the Mennonite Home Communities.


llentown, PA —A large group of NAI Summit employees,

AP , has been named presi- dent. An 18 year veteran of the firm, Hartzler be- ganhis career at Warfel as a project engi- neer and was

friends and family joined in the March of Dimes Lehigh Valley Chapter March for Ba- bies walk at Dorney Park. The walk helps support programs in our community that help moms have healthy, full-term pregnancies. NAI Summit con- tribution helps fund research to find answers to the problems that threaten thousands of babies each year. NAI Summit also partici- pated in the March of Dimes t-shirt design contest; Joni Elekes of NAI Summit headed the project which steered NAI Summit to first place. Harrisburg, PA — Dan de Vitry , an apprentice carpenter at Benchmark Construction Company, Inc. , won a gold medal in Carpentry at the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) National Craft Compe- tition. Birmingham, Alabama was the site of the 21st Cen- tury Workforce Development Conference which featured a national competition for ABC apprentices in carpen- try, electrical, fire sprinkler, HVAC, instrumentation fit- ting, insulation, millwright, pipefitting, plumbing, sheet metal, and welding. The com- petition, featuring 136 com- petitors, took place over two days: Wednesday, May 1 and Thursday, May 2. Dan, in his fourth and fi- nal year in the carpentry apprentice program at the Philadelphia, PA — Three industry awards were presented and 14 scholarships for regional high school stu- dents were announced at the ACEMentor Program of East- ern Pennsylvania2013 Schol- arship Breakfast, Wednesday, May 29 at the Crystal Tea Room in Philadelphia. ACE Eastern Pennsylvania presented three industry lead- ership awards. City of Phila- delphia Deputy Mayor for Economic Development Alan Greenberger presented the ACE Person of the Year award

Meriden, Ct — BLCom- panies, Inc. an employee- owned, multi-disciplinary ar- chitecture, engineering, envi- ronmental and land surveying firm providing services to pub- lic and private clients in the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic, recently named six employee owners to principal: Robert P. Blickley , senior project manager, Camp Hill, PA Alaric J. Busher, PE, senior engineer, Camp Hill, PA Michael J. Garon, LS , crew chief, Meriden, CT Thomas C. Hamilton , se- nior project manager, Meriden, CT Lucas J. Hahn, PLS , senior land surveyor, Camp Hill, PA Michael G. Fisher, PE , promoted to a project manager in 1997. In 2003, he assumed the role of assistant manager of operations, and in 2007, he be- came vice president and a part- ner in the firm. As president, he will continue to provide execu- tive oversight on projects from marketing through design and construction. He is active in local orga- Matthew Hartzler Blue Bell, PA — Rob- ert A. Korn, Esq. and Karin Corbett, Esq. , members of the Construction Law group of Kaplin Stewart in Blue Bell are contributing au- thors of the Pennsylvania Bar Institute’s recently pub- lished “PA Construction Law: Project Delivery Methods, Execution, and Completion”, having authored the Chapter titled “Tort ActionsArising on Construction Projects” which focuses on tort claims against the design professional and others involved in the con- struction process. Korn and Corbett’s work

March of Dimes has been walking since 1970, celebrat- ing their 75th anniversary this year. This organization

has walks in over 900 com- munities and has raised an incredible $2 billion to benefit all babies. n

Benchmark Construction’s de Vitry wins gold at ABC National Craft Championships

BL Companies, Inc. names six employee owners to principal senior project manager, Mer- iden, CT

wood wall framing, steel stud wall framing, drywall, build- ers level and trim. As a gold medal winner, Dan received a cash prize, a Drill/Reciprocat- ing Saw combo and a new pair of work boots. Upon successful completion of his apprentice- ship program at ABC Key- stone, Dan will be awarded his Bureau of Apprenticeship Training certificate and will be recognized as a journey- man carpenter. Benchmark Construction Company, Inc. is a full-ser- vice construction firm servic- ing Central and Southeast- ern Pennsylvania, Northern Delaware and Maryland. Benchmark specializes in commercial and institutional construction with an em- phasis on healthcare, senior living and higher education facilities. n Fourteen scholarships for ACEMentor Program student participants were announced during the breakfast program. Students were given the schol- arships during end-of-the-year team project presentations, heldMay 15 for city teams and May 16 for suburban teams. The Philadelphia Chap- ter of Commercial Real Estate Women (CREW) also presented ACE Eastern Pennsylvania with a dona- tion in excess of $25,000 to be used toward future scholar- ships. n

Dan de Vitry

ABC Keystone Chapter, stud- ied and practiced for four months to pass a written test, a safety test and a practical competition. During the 6- hour practical competition, Dan showcased his carpentry skills in seven different areas: roof framing, stair building, to John Grady, president of Philadelphia Industrial De- velopment Corporation. L.F. Driscoll president Mack Stulb presented the ACE Project of the Year award to Five Cres- cent Drive, GlaxoSmithKline’s double LEED platinum certi- fied facility in Philadelphia’s Navy Yard. Development Workshop, Inc. Executive director Craig Schelter recog- nized GeraldM. Cope, FAIA, RIBA, RSA , founding partner of Cope Linder Architects , with a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award.

Kaplin Stewart’s Korn and Corbett contribute to PA Bar’s publication

ACE Mentor program of Eastern Pennsylvania annual scholarship breakfast Attracts 400 Attendees May 29

discusses professional mal- practice as well as other tort theories, including ordinary and gross negligence and neg- ligent misrepresentation. The publication is a comprehen- sive and practical resource for construction lawyers looking for a resource in the area of construction law. n Robert A. Korn Karin Corbett

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