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Leaking? Pain with intercourse? Your pelvic floor likely needs help! The pelvic floor muscles have enormous responsibilities all day long and for numerous body systems—problems here can vary from weakness to tightness and often need special attention postpartum and with increasing age. Research shows that 1 out of 5 people (men and women!) will have some form of issue “down there” within their lifetime. Issues this prevalent should not be swept under the rug! People are often left without a concrete diagnosis and only vague options for treatment or worse, they’re told “it’s normal” and to “just live with it.” While pelvic floor dysfunction is common, it’s not normal and we have a clear solution: pelvic floor physical therapy! To figure out whether you have a pelvic floor dysfunction, it’s helpful to first know the functions of the pelvic floor: 1. Support: to stop your abdominal organs from “falling out”, to keep your vaginal and rectal walls stable, and to contribute to your core stability 2. Leak Protection: the pelvic floor works in conjunction with the sphincters that close the openings of the urethra, vagina, and rectum 3. Sex: These muscles regulate the ability to orgasm and blood flow to the pelvis 4. Stability: as part of the core muscles, the pelvic floor assists with stabilizing the lumbar spine, hips, and pelvic complex including the sacroiliac, pubic symphysis, and sacrococcygeal joints 5. Antigravity Pump: the pelvic floor muscles help pump venous blood and lymph out of the lower limbs If any of those functions are missing or poorly performed, then the result might not only include pain and leaking, but also embarrassment and shame. This is not something anyone should have to live with and there’s plenty of research to show that you don’t have to!

A typical pelvic health examination with a specialized physical therapist will include a comprehensive examination of the muscles (core and pelvic floor muscles) and joints mentioned above. Depending on your issues, this can include external or internal palpation of the muscles and tailbone. You will also receive education on the mechanism causing your symptoms, as well as what successful treatment looks like. People always have questions, so call in to speak with a pelvic health therapist personally, or to schedule an appointment at any of our six Body Gears locations. (877) 709-1090

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