Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709


Sharlene Lesa New SouthWales The ray of light in her darkest of days.

Ready to escort her new team of leaders to this once-in-a-lifetime event, Sharlene’s happy bubble suffered a devastating blow; receiving a dire phone call from the hospital, she rushed to her sister’s side. That very same weekend, Sharlene held her sister’s hands during her final moments, while her team continued on without her. This was not the way that the month of July was supposed to go for Sharlene. She suffered a terrible loss and at times she was crippled by grief. Many things in her life were put on hold but through it all, one thing remained constant; her Melaleuca residual income. In the midst of great sadness, a little ray of light appeared; along with her entire team at Road to Senior Director—she received the news of her quadruple advancement to Senior Director 6, accompanied by a cheque of $111,790! “When I saw the ‘111’, I just couldn’t believe it. It felt unbelievable. Who makes $111,790 in ONE month? I was so emotional.” Explains Sharlene. “Losing someone you love just takes your mind and your emotions in such a dark direction, but when I saw that cheque, I realised what was behind the money – the people! The outpouring of love was the confirmation that giving up was not an option—these beautiful people had placed their faith and their trust in me, and it was now up to me live up to my promises. I had a duty to them to help them on the same journey to life-changing income—I had to keep going for them.” With the darkest of days behind her, Sharlene shifted into another gear we didn’t even know she had! Working around the clock in the last 11 days of July, she triple advanced her business to Senior Director 9. “I overcame so much in July, I still can’t comprehend what I achieved! I would like to thank my Heavenly Father who helped me through this time, for without his blessings I would not be where I am today.” Said Sharlene. Presented with her second six-figure cheque in a row - the biggest one yet at $128,446 - we are left with just one thought; surely she can’t earn a hat-trick! Can she? Stay tuned…

Handing her boarding pass to the flight attendant at Sydney Airport, Sharlene Lesa boarded a plane to Auckland in a state of total euphoria. Having just learned of her Pacesetter Senior Director 2 advancement two weeks prior, she explains how she was still pinching herself to make sure it was real. “I was still trying to get my head around the fact that my bank account had a deposit in there of $64,097! I’ve never had that kind of money in my life, and I still wasn’t 100% sure the bank wouldn’t call to say there had been some kind of mistake!” Sharlene jokes. With no calls of regret, her blissful bubble didn’t pop right away – in-fact, it expanded even further at the sight of her team. “To see eleven of my leaders – many who had never been on a holiday to Australia before - ready to take off on an all-expenses paid trip to Queensland because of Melaleuca was just amazing. These incredible people put their faith in me when I came knocking on their door over the past few months, and now their trust was paying off – this knowledge filled me with an indescribable feeling of pride.” Said Sharlene.

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $128,446 senior director Real income enhancing lives


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