Leadership in Action – AUNZ English – 201709


Yvette & Justin Brewin South Australia Never underestimate the power of kindness.

The way she makes you feel, it’s not a brief thing, she makes friends and builds relationships that are solid. During my coaching calls I sometimes think she is spending too long with people who just don’t want to build a Melaleuca business. But, she’s much better than me in this one key leadership quality and when she makes a commitment to someone she sticks with them! What is this mysterious quality that has enabled Yvette and Justin to earn a quarter of a million dollars over just a few years? It’s very simple yet very powerful. Use it liberally with everyone you come into contact with and it will change their lives and it will change yours too. What is it? Kindness. Yvette has thrown kindness into the world and it has returned to her as success! Yvette, it was so wonderful to see your latest advancement to Senior Director 9 at this years July Road to Senior Director training. We hope you invest the $20,791 cheque wisely and we hope to see you advance to Executive Director soon! Take a leaf out of Yvette’s book. Stop trying to push people. Stop trying to give them reasons and convince them. Stop trying to get them to do something for you … even if you say it’s for them! Just be kind – you’ll be surprised how far it gets you.

There are many things written and spoken about the skills and attributes of a leader but most miss the point. Leaders may achieve their goals by being smart, good-looking, experienced, rich etc. but there is one really powerful attribute that most leadership gurus ignore: kindness. Yvette Brewin and her husband Justin have built an incredible Melaleuca business. Yvette has a humble professional background having spent her life raising two beautiful kids, Jayden and Analyse and working part-time either in retail stores or in party-plan or both. Times were tough before Melaleuca but Yvette had a beautiful dream of owning her own property with land and horses. When you meet Yvette and talk to her, it makes you feel good. She’s a little quirky and wears a wide bright red Sei Bella printed smile. She giggles a lot and gives whoever she is talking to all her attention. Through what she says and how she looks at you, you can tell she’s on your side. She has the special leadership attribute.

“The level of our success is limited only by our imagination and no act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted.” Aesop

LAST MONTH´S MELALEUCA CHEQUE: $20,791 senior director Real income enhancing lives



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