of my core values,” Robson said. “I’m a very loyal person to the extent that I don’t even have to have something in writing with you. If I shake your hand, I’m going to follow through with it.” After being a Rocket Lister customer for 10 years, Robson expressed interest in purchasing the company. He spoke to the previous owner about the ins and outs of the business, the process and the challenges that came with it. Despite all of this, Robson still saw an opportunity. For Robson, seeing the company operate up close for a decade, made it feel like less of a risk to buy. But over the years, Robson has developed a few other safety nets to help him minimize his risks. One of those safety nets is people. Robson believes if he brings in the right people, his business can thrive, wheth- er it’s the brokerage he built and sold, his thriving cabinet company (Cabco Cabinets), his online mastermind for real estate investors (Next Level Mastermind), or an acquired enterprise like Rocket Lister. “I live in the future, which is a dangerous place to live,” he said. “But I love what the future could bring. I have to
I love serving people and going out of myway to build rapport.”
22 | think realty magazine :: june 2021
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