

Patio after


Patio before


by Michele Van der Veen

I magine friends and family coming over for a BBQ next to your very own backyard beach. What a great sales pitch this could be for your next investment proper- ty! In a competitive housing market, being creative by thinking outside the houses, in this case, may in the end bring in more profits. Some - times looking outside of the house

for opportunity may be the very reason a buyer picks your property over another home for sale. Creat- ing a backyard oasis—or in this case a backyard beach—is just another creative approach towards help- ing your investments stand out. All too often as an investor I approach my investment proper- ties thinking of how to get the job

of repairing, renovating, or restor- ing old homes done by keeping my cost down to bring in a bigger profit. But in a competitive market, the opposite can hold true. Spending a bit more money may be just the thing you need to do. Not only will spending more help you make more, but it could aid in a quicker sale as well. While spending extra money

66 | think realty magazine :: june 2021

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