The Exchange Newsletter Issue 3, 2021

The Secord family, friends of Mary McConnaughey, received their vaccines.

Knocking Down Access Barriers

OneWorld launches outreach programs and home visits for Covid-19

community. At the event, 130 people received vaccines while listening to Radio Lobo 97.7 and eating hamburgers. Everyone received a 10 pound package of fresh ribeye, and one person won a raffle prize of free meat for one year from JBS. To help spread the word and reach the community beyond the testing center and vaccine center, OneWorld formed several teams to go door-to-door in residential and business neighborhoods. “Going door-to-door and talking really helps the community, especially if there’s a language barrier or a transportation issue,” said Hector Sanchez, Community Health Worker. “I think it’s validating for people to show up at their door and show them we’re here to help.”

Throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, lack of access to health care and misinformation have been issues the global community has had to address. OneWorld is knocking down these barriers with new outreach programs and home visits for vaccinations. As vaccines have rolled out, OneWorld has hosted a variety of community outreach events to educate the South Omaha community about Covid-19, and provide vaccines for those who desire. OneWorld visited area meat packing plants providing Covid vaccinations. Additionally, on August 14, 2021, OneWorld partnered with the JBS Beef Plant for a vaccination event for the

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