PGBT - Company Profile

Prima Wall System (PWS) sudah terbukti memenangkan tender-tender proyek skala besar, karena terbukti lebih inovatif secara teknis dan esien dari segi biaya. Proyek-proyek seperti Perumahan Griya Galeri Pamulang, PLN Talaud dan proyek perumahan Jonggol seluas 450 hektar dari perusahaan ternama Ciputra, dibangun oleh kami dari nol. Untuk Jonggol kami merancang dan membangun saluran air sepanjang 312 m

dengan dimensi lebar saluran 4 meter, kemiringan 2,2 meter dan kedalaman 3,6 meter. Seluruh drainase dan saluran pembuangan juga dibangun menggunakan PWS. Sebelum memulai proyek pembangunan, tim kami melakukan analisis mendalam mengenai kondisi tanah. Jenis tanah akan menentukan tipe konstruksi panel prefab yang digunakan.

Dengan hasil tes tanah ini juga, kami dapat menentukan bagaimana kami akan memadatkan tanah agar aman untuk fondasi dan dinding saluran kami.

Prima Wall System has won large scale projects from PLN and Ciputra Group because it could show innovative, superior solutions at a lower cost to solve the client ’s needs.

The 450 hectare Jonggol housing project by the renowned Ciputra company is literally starting from below ground and up. Prima Wall System was asked to design and build a 12 metre water channel measuring 4 metres wide sloping to a 2.2 metre base with a depth of 3.6 metres. In addition, all drainage and sewerage channels are being constructed by PWS.

Before any building project can begin the team makes a thorough analysis of the soil into which the canals will be cut. Depending on the type of soil will dictate the construction type of the prefab panels.

The project also has a further interesting feature; a six metres high hill. To make the hill secure from heavy rain Prima Wall System has designed an innovative, unique method to hold back the soil while allowing adequate ow o during the rainy season.

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