There are a million and one tips that are passed down generation to generation about the key to a long and successful life. Some say the secret to a long and happy life is to focus on family; others say it all comes down to finding the right career. Whatever choices you make in your life, and whatever your values are, there are several fundamental truths that are almost always accurate: To stay healthy, you must stay active, and to stay happy, you must stay balanced.
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Orthopedic & Sport Rehab • Physical erapy Quality Rehabilitation rough Personalized Care
Staying Active & Better Balanced!
There are a million and one tips that are passed down generation to generation about the key to a long and successful life. Some say the secret to a long and happy life is to focus on family; others say it all comes down to finding the right career. Whatever choices you make in your life, and whatever your values are, there are several fundamental truths that are almost always accurate: To stay healthy, you must stay active, and to stay happy, you must stay balanced. MENTAL AND PHYSICAL BALANCE Stayingactiveandstayingbalanced inmanywaysgohand inhand.Stayingactive refers to theamount of activity that you engage in daily.This of course can refer tohowmuch timeyouspendat thegym,but itcanalso refer tohowmanysteps you take in a day, how often you find yourself running around the office, and how frequently you head out to the backyard to run around with your children or your dog. Balance in many ways works on the same principles. There are some activities that you do every day because you have to do them — work often falls into thiscategory,asdohouseholdchores.Butwhatabout theactivities thatyou simply love to do? What about the activities that you enjoy? Thinkabout the last time thatyousatdownwithabook thatyou lovedandmade yourself a cup of tea or coffee and really enjoyed the moment. Perhaps it isn’t reading that you wish you had more time for, but, instead, it is a garden that has grown weeds as it has been neglected. It could be a project at your home that
youhave looked forward tocompletingoranoldcar thatyou’vewanted tofixup. There are special hobbies and interests that appeal to each of us, and spending time with those hobbies can help you live a more balanced life. Alongsidewith the taskofbecomingmorementallybalancedwith the things that you spend time with in your life is the challenge of becoming more physically balanced.Therearecertainmarkersthattypically indicatetroublewithmaintaining balance, such as frequently tripping and falling or feeling dizzy when standing too long. But even if you are not having fundamental issues with your ability to stay balanced in this way, you may still have difficulty with whole-body balance. Yoga isagreat formofexercise touse to improveyourability tobalance,asyoga helps to strengthen core muscles and improve coordination. You can improve your physical balance by: • Increasing muscle strength • Improving stamina • Improving core strength • Practicing balancing techniques Inadditiontofindingyourmentalbalancewithhowyouspendyourtime,becoming more physically balanced is just as important.
Make The Time For A Healthy Lifestyle! (Continued)
Think about the percentage of time that you spend working during the week. For most people this number is well over 40 hours per week! Then consider how much time is spent driving to and from work and around town on errands, and then consider the time spent doing things you have to do at home, like the dishes or the laundry. Then really think about how much time you are spending doing the things that make you feel better — including those hobbies that you love, but also being active and engaging with the people you care about. Part of becoming a more balanced person means finding ways to spend your time more wisely and taking more time for yourself as needed. IT’S NEVER TOO LATE You don’t need to grow up as an athlete to enjoy exercise as an adult. There is no point in your life where it is too late to start being more active than you currently are.There are plenty of ways to incorporate light activity into your lifestyle, such as: • Taking a walk in the evening with your family • Wearing a pedometer and trying to take more steps every day • Joining your local community center and using the pool to swim laps several times a week • Engaging in light weight training at home before work • Taking a yoga class These are just several examples of how you could incorporate more activity into your lifestyle without making many large changes to your way of life. If you feel that your physical health or an old injury is holding you back from being active, contact us. Working with a physical therapist can help you achieve improved balance and a healthy lifestyle.
Call us today to schedule an appointment!
Relieve Heel Pain In Minutes Try this movement to relieve heel pain
“My strength continues to improve with the exercises shown to me that I will stick with, thank you OSR!” Success Story
Keeps You Moving
Heel Drop Stand on the edge of a stair step on your toes, lifting your heels as high as you can. Lower your heels down below the step, then return to the starting position. Repeat 6-10 times.
“My shoulder flexibility and range of motion is almost the same as my non surgery shoulder. OSR has provided positive support, coaching and correction to improve exercise motion and movement. My strength continues to improve with the exercises shown to me that I will stick with, thank you OSR!” - Sharon
Celebrating our 4th Annual Leadership Retreat
ThisAugustwecelebratedour4thAnnualLeadershipRetreatat the CopperWynd Resort in Scottsdale, AZ. Leaders from all of our clinics gathered together for team building, and continued leadership training. We are so blessed to have such a dynamic group of leaders who are dedicated to patient outcomes and a superior clinic environment!
Thank You For Making This Year’s Drive a Great Success
Since its doors opened 17 years ago OSR PhysicalTherapy has had a “serving others”mind-set that is leadby itsowners Aaron and Kori Williams. That mind-set carries over to the quality of care they delivery to their patients through the Physical Therapy services they provide, but equally as important and intentional is for OSR to be an agent of change in the communities they serve. Last year, 2018, had a record 181 deaths due to dehydration.These181deathsoccurred in ourhomelessandhomeboundpopulation. Thiscreatedaheightensenseofurgency for OSR to increase both our water bottle donations and our ability educate those in our spheres of influence to this tragic statistic.The difference between life and deathof these lost lives issimplyabottle of water, hard to image…We however are fortunate to have a great number of past patientswecall the “OSRArmy”whohave responded with donations and who we educate/inform about dehydration and the effects it has on them personally and on our homeless and homebound community. We also canvased the valley medicalofficeswithmonthlynewsletters and office visits to inform them of the
impact of dehydration and the local need and how OSR donates a case of water for every patient we see over the summer months. We are only a part of theequation though,ourpartnershipwith both Salvation Army and St. Mary’s Food Bankcompletes thecycleofaction.These two great organizations warehouse and distribute the water to dozens of local groups, many which are faith based that are imbedded in the community and are the hands that hand off this life giving water to the thirsty of our ever growing city, we call home. We at OSR have a saying “Goal - ZERO” Zero deaths due to dehydration. And by educating thousands of our physician offices, past and current patients, it’s our hopesandprayer that thisyear,2019,gets us close to that number “Zero”. We were blessed to be able to donate more bottled water this year than last. The total donated was 35,448 bottles of water going to both the Salvation Army and St. Mary’s Food Bank. Stay Hydrated!
GILBERT CLINIC 3345 S. Val Vista Dr. Gilbert, AZ 85297 P: 480.857.7123 F: 480.857.8250
PEORIA CLINIC 9784 W. Yearling Rd. Building B Suite 1520
NORTH PHOENIX CLINIC 2655 W. Carefree Highway
ANTHEM CLINIC 41125 N. Daisy Mountain Dr. Suite 121
Phoenix, AZ 85085 P: 623.434.4655 F: 623.434.4657
Peoria, AZ 85383 P: 623.412.2117 F: 623.412.2118
Anthem, AZ 85086 P: 623.551.9706 F: 623.551.9708
SUN CITY CLINIC 10474 W. Thunderbird Blvd. Suite 200 Sun City, AZ 85351
GLENDALE CLINIC 5810 W. Peoria Ave. Glendale, AZ 85302 P: 623.219.4242 F: 623.219.4244
SCOTTSDALE CLINIC 9375 E. Bell Rd. Scottsdale, AZ 85260
P: 480.265.2122 F: 480.264.7575
P: 623.219.4475 F: 623.219.4477
• Staying Active & Better Balanced! • Celebrating our 4th Annual Leadership Retreat • Relieve Heel Pain In Minutes INSIDE:
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