Alpha Joining Form 2019

Please Sign & Date This Agreement

We like to keep things simple so prefer a simple agreement without legal jargon.

I ……………………………… ………………………………………… understand the terms of Membership - namely the fees, minimum commitment and minimum aVendance and no*ce period and commit to join EVO in the spirit of collabora*on and mutual support that forms the ethos of the group. I agree to make full payment for the joining fee and the minimum 2 quarterly bills in a *mely fashion (ideally by direct debit) and specifically understand and agree to the ‘rolling contract’ nature of the agreement and no*ce period required to leave the group prior to the minimum period ending. Lastly, I understand that business networking can some*mes take a while to ‘work’. As men*oned above, Members (and Visi*ng Guests) like to get to know new Members before sharing their contacts or making introduc*ons: and aVending regularly is a good indicator of a good Member, as is punctuality and prepara*on.

………………………………………… …………………………………………………. (CAPS PLEASE)

………………………….………………………………………………………….. (SIGNATURE PLEASE)


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