about depicting childhood and feel- ings of safety by including pictures of families playing in a carefree way and creating memories. Those photos create an emotional connec- tion through the story they tell and associate your brand or company with that story. Your design should elicit positive emotions in your customers while supporting your company’s principles and mission. People connect with a brand they feel shares their values. Good design is also about how something looks and works, so make your website easy to use and intui- tive. Website copywriting should be easy to scan while giving visitors the information they need and express- ing your brand’s value proposition. Remember, be consistent in your messaging across all platforms. You don’t want to confuse your custom- ers with multiple messages and emotional connections. WHO SHOULD BE INVOLVED? All the key people should be involved in the design process—starting with the end user and everyone responsible for delivering the customer service experience you designed together.
Customers should be delighted, and vendors and employees rewarded, for delivering the designed expe- rience. Everyone involved in executing the design should feel they will benefit because of the additional success and business the company and brand generates. IS YOUR DESIGNWORKING? Once your team has decided on how you want customers to feel about your product or service, set specific goals and key performance indictors related to your design. The number of nonsolicited positive reviews about your product or service would be an example of one way to measure the success of your design.
HOWDOES DESIGNMAKE OR BREAKYOUR BUSINESS? When your customers feel they have a relationship with your brand and company and are delighted with it, you will reap the benefits of more customer retention, more revenue per customer, and more people interested in engaging with your brand and company. As a result, you will require less money to replace lost customers or to generate new customers without the help of your existing customers. We also know people are more likely to talk about a bad experi- ence. It is very easy for a brand to be affected by bad reviews, and bad news tends to spread quickly. So, get in front of that possibility and delight your customers with a well-executed design that has them feeling emo- tionally connected from the moment they land on your webpage or engage with your brand in person. •
The design process is an evolving effort because the business envi- ronment, your customer’s tastes, and technology all change. Regu- larly review your key performance indictors for a gauge of your design’s health. If results have changed, don’t be afraid to seek input from your customers and those providing the customer experience directly.
Jeff Roth has been a licensed realtor in Michigan for the past 15 years. Roth specializes in investment property in southeast Michigan. You can learn more about Roth’s practice at www.moregroupmi.com/ staff/jeffroth. You can connect with him at jeffrothsells@gmail.com.
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