Tkird Annual Conference on Christian Fundamentals HE THIRD ANNUAL CONFERENCE of the Christian Funda mentals movement will occur in Denver, Colo., June 12th to 19th. The place of meetings will be the Central Presbyterian .Church week-days, overflow in the First Baptist Church, and on Sundays the Denver Auditorium. The Objectives of the Conference. From the first, the movement has had one great definite intent—the de fense of “ the faith once delivered.” Its originators and patrons are a unit in their convictions concerning the authority of the Bible, the Deity of Christ, the effectiveness of the Cross and the other great fundamentals of Biblical teaching. The work is conducted as an antidote of “ modernism,” and as a means of spiritual up-building. It purposes to reach and affect as rapidly as possible the Sunday School training of the country with sound teaching; the secondary school, college and university education with the same; the theological training in the interest of orthodoxy; the reading of men, laymen and ministers alike, with a safe literature; the provision of text books that are at once scientific.and Scriptural; the inspiration of evangelists with an evangelical spirit and message; the output of missionaries for both home and foreign fields with the fundamental Protestant principle that the Bible is the rule of faith and practice in the Christian religion. The Denver Committee, Mr. H. W. Moore, chairman, and Rev. P. V. Jenness, secretary, will arrange all details of the Conference and com munications should be addressed to Rev. P. V. Jenness, Temple Court Bldg., DENVER, Colo. CHURCH PLANS Catalogue Free to Ministers W IN D O W P A P E R s a m p l e s MAX CHARLES PR IC E , A rc h ite c t PUNTA GORDA, FLORIDA Formerly Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey Why pay $35.00 or $40.00 (or an insignificant 334 Octave, sin gle reed folding organ when yon can get a practical 4 Octave double reed PIPE-TONE FOLD ING ORGAN- for $35.00 cash with order? Organs fully guar anteed or money refunded. A. L. WHITE MFG. CO.. Dept K. 215. Englewood Ave.. Chleaoo. III.
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