His attitude as He made atonement for our sins? Why do you think His atoning work made Him so happy? (cp. Isa. 53:11.) 5. About whom is the prophet writing in Isa. 61:1-3? 6. For what purpose did the Father send the Son into the world? (Isa. 61:1.) Discuss each of these things in the light of the gospel and the spiritual condition of men. 7. What does Isaiah mean by “ the ac ceptable year of the Lord” ? (Isa. 61:2; 2 Cor. 6:2.) 8. When will be “ the day of vengeance of our God” ? (cp. 2 Thes. 1:7-10.) 9. Study Isa. 61:3, and discuss each statement—what is meant by “ beauty for ashes” (cp. 2 Cor. 5:17; Col. 3:12-17); “ the oil of joy for mourning,” etc. Show how each of these things is true of the believer in the Lord Jesus. 10. Read together in unison Matt. 25:14-30. What is the central truth of this paragraph? 11. How many servants received tal ents? (v. 15; cp. Rom. 12:3; Eph. 4:7.) What is your talent? Are you using it for the Lord? Why is it important that we all do our very best to glorify God through our lives? (1 Cor. 6:19,20; 2 Cor., 5:10; Matt. 25:19.) 12. How does failure to serve the Lord indicate that probably that man does not know Christ personally? (Matt. 25:26-30.) 13. What spiritual ¡principle is set forth in Matt. 25:29? END.
STUDY QUESTIONS 1. The word blessed in Psalm 1:1, means happy. What are the warnings stated in v. 1? Discuss these three things— what do they mean? Can you think of any illustrations of some whose lives fail right here? 2. What must a man do in order to be happy in the Lord? (Psa. 1:2.) 3. What does it mean to meditate in the Bible? 4. Discuss the best ways to study the Bible in order to get the most out of it. (Cp. 2 Tim. 3:15-17; Jer. 15:16; Psa. 119:18.) 5. What are some of the characteristics of the man who is happy in the Lord? (Psa. 1:3.) Discuss each one of these things and apply them to your life. 6. It is not just knowing the Bible, however, that brings joy to the believer’s heart — something else is important, too. What is this “ something else” ? (John 13:17; Matt. 7:21-23; James 1:22-25.) 7. List the admonitions of Phil. 4:4-8 as further qualifications for happiness. Discuss these things together. Use parallel Scriptures freely in your discussions be cause the final authority for the Chris tian’s faith and practice is the Word of God. April 24, 1955 Serve Others and Bring Joy Isa. 61 :1-3; Matt. 25:14-30
The Law of Giving
Luke 6:38
Apr. 19 —
Timely Advice
Rom. 12:10, 13, 17
Apr. 20 —
Mary and the Ointment
John 12:3-7
Apr. 21 —
One Man's Gratitude
Luke 17:11-19
Apr. 22 —
Health Restored
Mark 2:3-12
Apr. 23 —
The Lost Coin
Luke 15:8-10
HEART OF THE LESSON We studied last Sunday how love for the Word and obedience to the Word brings happiness. There is yet another way — the way of service. Surely, the student of the Word of God, and the man who obeys the Word, is going to be a busy Christian serving the Lord and his fellow-man. STUDY QUESTIONS 1. How does the Lord Jesus Christ teach us thoughtfulness of others in His own life and ministry? (Mark 10:45; Phil. 2:5-11; Heb. 12:2.) 2. According to Mark 10:45 what did the Lord Jesus come into the world to do? 3. According to Phil. 2:5-11, what price was He willing to pay to be the serv ant of men unto their salvation? 4. According to Heb. 12:2, what was
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