Gems Publishing - December 2019

Gems Inside

p.1. How the Pentagon Can Protect Your Practice During the 2020 Recession

p.5. Happening on Planet Gems

p.6. Increase Patient Flow With These Tactics

... continued f rom page 7

only assignment is to Google “Billboard rentals near .” Find out what’s available within 5 miles of your office, and how much it will cost you per month to rent. Then email me,, with the subject, “Billboard Help.” Take a look at some of the billboards we’ve done that have worked well for our members at SITE MAP ADVANCED MARKETING BRAIN TRUST Then scroll down to 027 Billboards. They are quick, easy, and often very effective. 1-800-DENTIST: Seriously? Tom, you’re kidding. You’re suggesting in the year 2020 that we should still be using 1-800-DENTIST? Yes and no. If you were to have asked me a couple years ago, I would have told you that 1-800-DENTIST was dead. Most of the Dentists who had anything to say about them spoke negatively. However, today their story is different. We have several members (and one of our Certified GG12 Coaches) who use them successfully to deliver an ongoing stream of profitable new patients. If it’s available in your area, it may be worth testing. Here’s a Gem that may help you to make a profitable source in your practice. Tell them you want the following (in stone) in your profile:

So, why do we recommend including direct mail as an important part of your marketing arsenal? Simple. Through direct mail you can reach prospective new patients who you otherwise simply cannot reach. The fact that it could end up costing you more per new patient is irrelevant to your success. As long as the cost per new patient is reasonable and the ROI > 3:1 during the first year and >5:1 after 2–3 years, your marketing should include a direct mail component. We have Gems Family Members who have seen tremendous success mailing postcards through www. Last week, one of our members in Connecticut reported investing $8,000 in one post card run which resulted 31 new patients who’ve already spent over $42,000 in his practice. At a per-new-patient cost of $258 and an early ROI of 5.25:1, they are crushing it (and routinely do) with these postcards. NOTE: is a big company with many copywriters and designers. I’ve worked closely with some of their writers and designers to help give our members the highest chances of success. If you decide to work with them, reach out to me at and I’ll make sure you get a writing and design team who is familiar with what is ALREADY WORKING for our members, and I’ll be happy to help you critique and edit their work prior to final approval. There’s no guarantee of success (everything in marketing is a TEST!) … but we can certainly improve your odds!

planning to fail. We urge you to create a Google Marketing Calendar for your practice. Your marketing calendar will help you to keep track of which strategies, ads, etc. are running when, and to REMIND you via reminder emails (automatically sent by your Google Calendar) when it’s time to plan and deploy each tactic. Without a marketing calendar, your efforts will be haphazard at best. One of my favorite quotes from Karen Lamb says it all. If you begin right now, 12 months from now you’ll be happy you did. After testing each and every one of the above strategies (several at a time), continue on with the ones that bear fruit and cut the others loose, making room to test new ways to increase your new patient flow. Ask your Personal Gems Concierge for help creating your Google Marketing Calendar and to set up a call with your Gems Coach to answer any questions you may have about marketing your practice. We’d love to hear from you! Let us know about your successes. Equally important, if you deploy a strategy which has been proven successful time and again by our other members (e.g. Street Fairs!) and you don’t experience profitable results, don’t give up. with your coach to walk through the strategy step-by-step. More often than not, you were closer to success than you realized, and your coach may identify a simple tweak or two which could make all the difference. Email your experiences and successes with these tactics to me at If a Gem isn’t working for you, ask your Concierge to schedule a “Debriefing Call” 'A Year From Now You’ll Wish You’d Started Today!'


a. Nobody more than 4 miles away b. No Medicaid patients c. Only direct connection leads

8. DIRECT MAIL: Good old-fashioned “snail mail” (print advertising sent via the postal services) is too often overlooked these days. Everything I’ve covered so far is faster and easier than direct mail. All of the above may even be cheaper per new patient acquisition.

9. PLAN TO SUCCEED! Without taking the time to plan your marketing, you’re

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