

Foreign students need local homes GREGGCHAMBERLAIN (CHI), a non-profit network that works in partnership with school districts, like the Upper Canada District School Board (UCDSB), to provide foreign students with safe homes and caring host families. commodate a minimum of 10 foreign students, which would justify the UCDSB providing room in its budget for an English- as-second-language (ESL) support program for Rockland. The ESL students living in the Rockland area would attend Rockland Dis- trict High School.

to give them a safe home," Manning said, "giving to someone else’s child what you’d want for your own children if they were liv- ing abroad." Manning noted that single-parent fami- lies, retirees, widows and widowers can also qualify as homestay families for CHI, and there is a stipend provided to help offset the extra expenses. The benefits of being a homestay family works both ways also, Manning noted. "It’s a learning curve for everybody," she said, adding that some homestay families keep in touch with their billets for years af- ter they’ve returned to their native land. "It opens up a whole new world." For more information on the CHI billet- ing program phone Manning toll-free at 1-877-441-4443, extension 2043, email bmanning@canadahomestayinternational. com, or go to www.canadahomestayinter- Mme Villeneuve ajoute également que le secteur dit transactionnel, soit celui qui ac- cueille les membres pour leurs transactions courantes au comptoir, sera également modernisé. «L’espace des caissiers sera donc agrandit afin de mieux servir nos membres et leur of- frir l’espace nécessaire pour effectuer leurs transactions», précise-t-elle. L’entrepreneur général chargé du projet de construction, Daniel Côté Construction, est une compagnie de Rockland. «Nous sommes fiers de contribuer au développe- ment économique de Rockland et de la région en engageant des compagnies lo- cales», a ajouté Mme Villeneuve.

"We’ve had students here off and on for the past several years," said Brenda Man- ning, CHI representative for the Upper Can- ada region. Now the CHI wants to extend the host family arrangement it has for the UCDSB to include Rockland and its local English high school. The agency is seeking host families in ei- ther Rockland or the nearby villages who would be willing to take in a student from abroad for any length of stay ranging from a couple weeks to several months or even a full school year if possible. "We are trying to build a host base in the Rockland area," Manning said. The agency needs enough billets to ac-

ROCKLAND | They are far from home be- cause they came to Canada to learn and study English. Now they need a home away fromhome so they can attend school and practise what they are learning. Foreign students are a part of almost any high school profile in Canada now and not just the special purview of colleges and uni- versities. High school students from abroad want to improve their English-language skill and experience Canadian culture while continu- ing to pursue their regular studies. One problem for these students is finding someplace to live while they experience the Canadian way of life. Enter Canada Homestay International

Right now the kind of ESL students that CHI and the UCDSB are looking at for Rock- land are "high fluency" students. They are well-versed in English and want to immerse themselves in an environment where their primary language would be both the for- mal English they have learned and also the vernacular English of everyday normal con- versation. As for the host families, the main criteria for CHI is that English be the primary lan- guage in the home and that the host fami- lies are ready and willing to treat their stu- dent billets like they are part of the family. "We’re looking for someone who wants ROCKLAND | Afin de mieux répondre aux besoins spécifiques des membres, la Caisse populaire Trillium investit près de 1,5 M$ dans la rénovation et l’agrandissement d’environ 3 000 pieds carrés de l’immeuble actuel. «Le début des travaux se passe très bien et nous tenons à remercier les membres et les employés pour leur patience pendant les rénovations», explique la directrice aux opérations et transactions assistées et la responsable du centre de services Rock- land, Christine Villeneuve. «En plus d’un agrandissement de l’espace du guichet au- tomatique, le rez-de-chaussée subira des transformations importantes, permettant ainsi l’ajout de bureaux de conseillers. Nous ajoutons également un espace d’accueil

Les rénovations commencent à la Caisse populaire Trillium plus adapté et plus spacieux pour les mem- bres.»

Avis de consultation publique concernant le transfert proposé des permis duManoir Marochel à Ottawa et de Pinecrest Nursing Home à Plantagenet Une proposition a été présentée au ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée (MSSLD) afin de faire approuver le transfert du permis du Manoir Marochel, un foyer de soins de longue durée de 64 lits à Ottawa, et du permis de Pinecrest Nursing Home, un foyer de soins de longue durée de 60 lits à Plantagenet, de 1663432 Ontario Ltd. à CVH (Nº 4) GP Inc. à titre d’associée commanditée de CVH (Nº 4) LP. En vertu de la Loi de 2007 sur les foyers de soins de longue durée , nous sollicitons l’opinion du public préalablement à la prise d’une décision finale relativement à ce dossier. Si vous avez des commentaires ou des opinions que vous désirez transmettre au MSSLD relativement à ce dossier, vous pouvez: 1. Les soumettre par écrit d’ici le 10 septembre 2013 à : Directrice en vertu de la Loi de 2007 sur les foyers de soins de longue durée Ministère de la Santé et des Soins de longue durée Direction de l’amélioration de la performance et de la conformité 1075, rue Bay, 11 e étage Toronto ON M5S 2B1 Courriel : Téléc. : 416 327-7603 - OU - 2. Les présenter oralement lors d’assemblées publiques qui auront lieu aux dates et endroits suivants : t MFNBSEJTFQUFNCSFËIËMB#JCMJPUIÒRVFEF7BOJFS  BWEFT1ÒSFT#MBODT  FÏUBHF 0UUBXB 0OUBSJP  t MFNBSEJTFQUFNCSFËIBV-PDBM4DPVU DFOUSFDPNNVOBVUBJSFË 1MBOUBHFOFU  SVF"MCFSU 1MBOUBHFOFU 0OUBSJP  Veuillez indiquer le nom du foyer de soins de longue durée ainsi que le numéro du projet (010-14) sur toute soumission écrite. La directrice examinera toutes les soumissions avant de prendre une décision finale relativement à ce dossier. You can obtain this information in English at the same address.

Notice of Public Consultation on the Proposed Licence Transfers of Manoir Marochel in Ottawa and Pinecrest Nursing Home in Plantagenet A proposal has been submitted to the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care (MOHLTC) for approval to transfer the licences of Manoir Marochel, a 64-bed long-term care home in Ottawa, and Pinecrest Nursing Home, a 60-bed long-term care home in Plantagenet, from 1663432 Ontario Ltd. to CVH (No. 4) GP Inc. as general partner of CVH (No. 4) LP. In accordance with the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 , public opinion is being sought prior to a final decision being made relating to this matter. If you have comments or opinions relating to this matter and would like to bring them to the attention of the MOHLTC, you may: 1. Submit them in writing by September 10, 2013 to: Director under the Long-Term Care Homes Act, 2007 Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care Performance Improvement and Compliance Branch 1075 Bay Street, 11th Floor Toronto, ON M5S 2B1 e-mail: fax: 416-327-7603 - OR - 2. Present them orally at public meetings, to be held on: t 5VFTEBZ 4FQUFNCFS BUQNBUUIF7BOJFS-JCSBSZ EFT1FSFT#MBODT  2nd Floor, Ottawa, Ontario; and t 5VFTEBZ 4FQUFNCFS BUQNBUUIF-PDBM4DPVU $PNNVOJUZ$FOUSFJO 1MBOUBHFOFU SVF"MCFSU 1MBOUBHFOFU 0OUBSJP Please include the name of the long-term care home and quote Project #010-14 on all written submissions. The Director will consider all submissions before making a final decision relating to this matter. Vous pouvez obtenir ces renseignements en français à la même adresse.

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