Leadership in Action - Polski - 202001

15-17 november 2019, Frankfurt


Agnieszka Dambska-Wardęga Director 9 , United Kingdom This was my second time attending the Road to Senior Director Event,

Aleksandra & Tomek Ligoccy Directors 4 , Ireland We participated in Melaleuca’s Road to Senior Director Event for the first time.

Any Marketing Executive who attended Road to Senior Director in November 2019 can tell you that this event was more than a 3 day seminar. It’s one of the most important events to qualify to attend. Road to Senior Director has the power to change your business and change your life. It’s fueled by many likeminded, mission driven, everyday folk come together, learn together, and enhance lives together. Each day contributed key principles on how to accelerate and grow your business, sharpen their leadership skills, recommit to their why, and map a path to reach their goals. Road to Senior Director is a place where excitement solidifies into commitment. Lifelong friendships are forged. And destinies are redefined. Don’t miss out: start today and qualify to the next “Road to Senior Director” now, taking place in Autumn 2020.

and it was again an extraordinary experience for me. This reinforced my decision to commit more to this outstanding company and their unique values. Once again, I was captivated by the professionalism and engagement of this event which created an atmosphere of inclusion no matter what status you are. Such meetings are a great dose of motivation, inspiration for upcoming work and action. After these three days I came back home full of new energy and ideas. I thank the organizers and I will see you on the next "Road to Senior Director". I can't wait to see you. “

Initially we didn’t know what to expect from this three- day event, but it left us feeling great about our journey. The level of organisation, training and the overall course of the conference was extremely professional. To have the opportunity to visit the company headquarters in Frankfurt and meet the people working there personally was a great experience. Everything that we have learned and all the knowledge gained will now help us to build our business. Everyone who is serious about their business in Melaleuca must attend this event. We would like to thank Melaleuca and the people responsible for the organisation for being part of this fantastic meeting.




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