the stock market may be considered one of the most accessible places to begin an investment portfolio today, the general difficulty lies with determining which stocks to buy, sell, and HODL. Additionally, the stock market often finds itself in the realm of unpredictability, which further serves to nullify even the most complex and sophisticated strategies. Here, we analyze the viability of using astrology as an investment strategy within the New York Stock Exchange over the year of 2021.
Camden Phillips - Debate (session 21)
Ruba Pradhan (session 4) - see Petrov
Mahealani Ramirez - “Eating Habits & Self Image” (poster session) The purpose of this study is to examine if athletes are more susceptible to creating an eating disorder compared to nonathletes. The participants for this study are MVC students, they were asked to complete a questionnaire based study via google forms. Questions about body image are taken from The Renfrew Center, ( 2001) and Validation of Malay Version of Body Self-Image Questionnaire-Short Form among Malaysian Young Adults (Joo, Hamid, Yaacob, Hairon, Cheng, Bujang, 2018). Data is currently being collected and results will be discussed. Cinthia Ratliff - “Comparing Pre-Divorce Vulnerability to Post- Divorce Effects” (poster session) The purpose of this project is to see the effects of divorce on vulnerable kids and the post effect on young adults. This survey will also look at the different responses in young adults whose parents are still married and the young adults whose parents have been divorced to see how the responses pair up with each other. The participants for this study are MVC students and they were asked to complete a survey that has questions from the Adult Behavior Checklist, the Adult Behavior Checklist, and a Self-Esteem scale. It’s predicted that students who are considered to be vulnerable before the divorce then the divorce affects them more severely. It’s also predicted that students whose parents are still together tend to thrive more than the students whose parents are divorced.
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